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Yardi Corom

Business Software Finance and Accounting
Yardi Cororm is a cloud-based software platform that combines corporate leases and deals with an accounting system. Its features aim to put the user in charge of managing an entire lease portfolio en...d-to-end. The user can analyze, track, collaborate, and manage a deal pipeline to execute a real estate strategy and manage a lease portfolio. Users can keep track of critical dates, manage leases, mitigate risks & reduce expenses while automating tasks, workflows and notifications. Corom Occupancy Management allows the user to enable flexible workspaces in an office, ensure their safety and manage facilities. With built-in complete real estate accounting system, complying with FASB guidelines ASC 842 / IFRS 16 and reporting. Global support teams are available to help when needed. Read moreless
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  • Accounting
  • Report and analytics
  • Transaction history and invoice management.
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This page was composed by Flavia T and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-06-09 08:22:26 and last edited by Flavia T at 2021-06-08 10:31:49. This page has been viewed 558 times.

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