Business Software
Abyssale streamlines marketing design to publish faster and increase ROI
It's the end of repetitive design work, endless back-and-forth, and inevitable human errors. Don't choose
between creativity, p...ersonalization, and scaling production. You now have them all in one platform.
Abyssale helps you generate thousands of banners, from a single template, in multiple formats at a time. All
that in just a few minutes!
Save hours of your time on banner creation. Simply choose or create a template, pick the formats you want to
export in, connect your data, generate your banner, and you're done! Multiply your AB tests, customize every
visual, save time and convert more by taking your visual marketing to the next level! Read moreless
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This page was composed by Arshad qureshi and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-12-13 09:37:42 and last edited by Arshad qureshi at 2021-12-12 17:58:02. This page has been viewed 1140 times.
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