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Web Apps Tools
CatEight is a one-stop course search and application platfom for students, education institutions and agent. With CatEight, they can search courses and schools provided in Australia, New Zealand, Sing...apore and more countries and regions, find education agents, apply for courses and student visa online. Besides, education institutions and agents can use CatEight's powerful CRM system to manage course applications and student visa applications sent from studnents online easily. Read moreless

Alternatives to CatEight

  1. Coursera alternatives



    Coursera is an online learning platform that provides free and low-cost college courses. The courses are offered by major universities in many parts of the world. The company was founded in 2012, a...

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  2. edX alternatives



    EdX offers free online courses and classes from the world's best universities and institutions. Explore the latest courses from MIT, Harvard, UC Berkeley, The Smithsonian, Catalyst, The University ...

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  • Course Finder
  • School Finder
  • On application
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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2019-09-03 06:00:03 and last edited by at 2020-03-06 07:52:25. This page has been viewed 4895 times.

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Complete specializations for certificates Earn college credit Many free classes to choose from
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