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Web Apps Social
Chatwee is a live chat and instant messaging app targeting online communities, virtual events, providers of mental health support, team communication, live trading, church services, educational, and live video streaming. Chatwee allows its users to engage via private, public, and Messenger-style group conversations. It offers an extensive set of features, advanced customization options, and comes with a Free-forever plan, if it suits you. Effortless installation will get you going in minutes. Add a dynamic social hub to your site today and see the engagement rise! Features: Multiple display modes Extensive customization options Up to 3,000 simultaneous users Multiple chat rooms, group chats, and private chats Powerful moderation features Rich media messages (links, file sharing, gifs and images, emoji reactions) Voice messaging Single Sign-on Own branding Pay Per Use To discuss the Enterprise solution or to request a free trial, please contact us. Read moreless

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  • Free ($0.00 / month)
  • Pro ($29.00 / month)
  • Standard ($19.00 / month)
  • Ultimate ($69.00 / month)
You can view all available pricing models on Chatwee's pricing page.


  • Free Trial
  • File sharing
  • Chat in groups
  • Customizable appearance
  • Chat and instant messaging
  • Plugin available
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • WordPress plugin
  • Customizable
You can always update Chatwee to add more features!


Chatwee screenshot 1
Chatwee screenshot 2
Chatwee screenshot 3

Chatwee Videos

Youtube Video:
Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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About This Article

This page was composed by Chatwee and published by It was created at 2021-08-16 08:02:07 and last edited by Chatwee at 2021-08-13 09:38:02. This page has been viewed 581 times.

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