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Alternatives to CheckSiteWorth

  1. Price2Spy alternatives



    Price2Spy is a price monitoring, comparison and repricing tool, meant to help eCommerce professionals keep an eye on their competitors, or retailers. With over 600 clients acquired in 8 years in b...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. CostX alternatives

    CostX is a software platform geared towards helping construction firms to get a better handle on their project costs and overall finances. As a construction estimating platform, CostX lets users ma...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
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  • Check Social Stats.
  • Check Alexa and Moz Rank.
  • Check Whois.
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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2019-09-03 06:10:01 and last edited by at 2020-03-06 07:52:26. This page has been viewed 1373 times.

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Price Change Alert Emails Dynamic Pricing and Repricing Powerful Reporting Mechanism Bot-aware Site Monitoring MAP Features B2B, Login-required Site Monitoring Capturing Additional Product Information In-cart Price Monitoring Mobile-friendly No Server, No Software to Maintain Fully customizable cost database.
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