This message is shown by ATS Guard when the help command is sent to a channel:
ATS Guard BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Help menu
ATS Guard is an powerful bot designed for protecting your server! Please keep in mind ATS is still in very early access, more features are still currently in development!
🤖 ATS Guard Configuration !!set - Set/change an option! Such as which channel for logs !!config - Enable/disable features of ATS Guard!
🔨 Moderation Commands !!purge <Number> - Removes x number amount of messages !!tempmute <User> <6h> <Reason> - Temporary mutes an user for period of time !!mute <User> <Reason> - Permanently mutes an user !!unmute <User> <Reason> - Un-mutes an user, including temp mutes !!kick <User> <Reason> - Kicks an user !!ban <User> <Reason> - Bans an user !!unban <User> - Unbans an user !!lock - Locks a channel, preventing users from sending messages in it. !!panic - Activates Panic mode, sets verification level to highest and pause all new captcha's !!cases </User> - Views the server's or a users past moderation cases. !!case <CaseNumber> - Views a case number in more depth.
❓ Miscellaneous Commands !!say <Message> - Makes the bot repeat your message! !!whois <User> - Get's all infomation about a user !!invite - Gets the invite infomation for the bot!
If you need any additional help, please join our support server!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of ATS Guard by visiting their support server or their website: