Google Sheets
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Google Sheets Reviews
We have 1 review for Google Sheets. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: There is little not to like about Google Sheets. Those familiar with working with Excel will be up and running in seconds with this web app. It mimics all the basic functionality of Excel, and does all this for free. Even the file storage is free. It now also lets you work offline as well, and you can further save files to a device that can afterward be edited in both Excel and similar types of programs. Where Sheets really shines is in its sharing features. You can either keep a spreadsheet private or you can give access to it to either a select group of people or to the entire Internet. You can further restrict a file for reading only or let others edit the file. You can even let multiple people edit the same file at the same time, creating possibilities that would be unimaginable with Excel. This does not mean that Sheets is perfect. Offline editing is somewhat difficult to set up and use, and it is limited to those using a Chrome web browser. Also, much like Microsoft's online version of Excel, Sheets' functionality is somewhat limited. It does not have the type of advanced functions or macro capabilities that come with a native application such as Excel. This means that it is not appropriate for financial modeling and similar types of uses. But for normal spreadsheet use it really excels.
Pros: Completely free to use Access to it is included with every Google Account Has all basic spreadsheet functionality Has excellent collaboration tools Comes with lots of free cloud storage
Cons: Lacks the type of advanced functions found in Excel Lacks Excel's macro capabilities Offline editing is a bit of a pain and is limited to the Chrome browser
Google Sheets Videos Which is better, Google Sheets or Excel Online (Microsoft's free online spreadsheet program)? The differences are narrowing, but there is one clear winner. Most of...
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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2018-04-28 06:37:08 and last edited by jerm at 2021-04-01 02:49:47. This page has been viewed 8127 times.