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Web Apps Media
Livepush is a professional video streaming dashboard for video streamers and Live media broadcasters of any scale. Users can do Live media streaming, Live scheduling, and VOD hosting, built on a highl...y scalable cloud to stream Live events at any scale, with flat-rate pricing. Streamers can easily broadcast Live media to over 45 streaming platforms including Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn all at the same time with no additional efforts. Pre-recorded Live feature allows you to easily schedule your Live and recorded videos to stream Live events across platforms at a later date with a variety of scheduling modes. Users can upload HD, Full HD, and 4k for Live and recorded media streaming and automatically encode them into low-to-high resolutions for a faster and adaptable streaming experience. Sign up now and Live stream for FREE! Read moreless

Alternatives to Livepush

  1. OneStream alternatives



    Broadcast Pre-Recorded Videos as Live Stream Videos to 40+ Social Media Platforms Simultaneously including YouTube Live, Facebook Live. The best live streaming solution. Schedule & Live Stream Reco...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. OneStream Live alternatives

    OneStream Live


    A B2B Cloud-based live streaming solution. OneStream Live is a B2B cloud-based solution service that empowers consumers to live stream real-time and pre-recorded videos to over 40+ social media pl...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
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  • Basic ($0.00 / month)
  • Professional ($15.00 / month)
  • Basic Plus ($6.00 / month)
  • Regular ($10.00 / month)
  • Editors ($28.00 / month)
  • Company ($60.00 / month)
You can view all available pricing models on Livepush's pricing page.


  • Third Party Application Integration
  • Scheduling
  • Facebook login
  • Broadcasting
  • Streaming
  • Visual analytics
  • Live chat support
  • Chat
  • Analytics
  • Branding
  • API and integration
  • Streaming media player
  • Streaming Content
  • Event Management
  • video cloud
  • video cloud hosting
  • Statistics and monitoring
  • Upload & Download Files
You can always update Livepush to add more features!


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Livepush screenshot 4
Livepush screenshot 5


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About This Article

This page was composed by Wahaj Dar and published by It was created at 2021-11-02 16:29:04 and last edited by Wahaj Dar at 2021-11-01 19:43:25. This page has been viewed 796 times.

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Broadcasting Live stream easily and quickly Record or live broadcast. Stream live video to unlimited viewers Broadcasts Stream Videos Online video Stream Video Files LIVE Streaming Video Analytics
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