Meet Hugo
Business Software
Meet Hugo is a subscription-based sales intelligence platform that makes it easier for new business and sales teams to reach out to prospects who are looking for particular services. Instead of cold-c...alling anyone and everyone, Meet Hugo provides you with qualified leads and GDPR-compliant contact information relating to new business opportunities that can help your business to grow.
Rather than spending weeks, even months, working on leads that are going nowhere; Meet Hugo will provide you with information about live opportunities complete with project-specific details including the services required, the location of the prospect and even the value of the project so you can do the maths and work out if it’s a cost-effective opportunity for you to pursue.
Meet Hugo is the kind of platform that benefits all B2B businesses and your teams, but it’s perfect for new business and sales teams. Packed full of information compiled by a real, in-house team of researchers; each lead is delive Read moreless
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This page was composed by Meet Hugo and published by It was created at 2021-05-31 13:20:14 and last edited by Meet Hugo at 2021-05-26 08:46:32. This page has been viewed 612 times.
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