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Business Software Design
Wia is software designed to connect devices of all sorts and allow web developers to easily create apps and other web content that can be accessed across devices. The old system of connecting devices ...and software together was long and drawn out, requiring both a lot of knowledge and a lot of patience. Wia dramatically reduces the amount of time and effort that you need to put into creating and connecting apps by taking care of all of the connections for you. Users of Wia do not have to know much of anything about code or web development to use Wia. The easy to use design and layout makes it easy for anyone to navigate through. Read moreless

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    Sales: sales@reekoh. com.

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    ThingSpeak is the open IoT platform with MATLAB analytics.

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Wia Reviews

We have 1 review for Wia. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

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grex avatar
My Opinion on Wia
written by grex on 2018-03-02 04:26:11
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money

Overall Opinion: Wia is an incredibly helpful piece of software for aspiring web developers or app creators. Because you do not have to know anything about software to use Wia, it opens up software design to all sorts of people. The most interesting and helpful aspect of Wia is the ability to connect al different kinds of machinery and devices together. With Wia, you can connect devices as different as smartphones and automated assembly line workers. The process to connect devices like this previously took at too much time to be a viable option for anyone that does not have extensive time to spend on app development. Now, people from all different walks of life can easily create apps or websites that seamlessly connect devices for greater efficiency.

Pros: Wia has an easy to use interface that anyone can use. It does not take extensive knowledge of software to use Wia. By using Wia, you eliminate the need to spend months of time and hefty financial investments when developing an app. Now, you can easily do it from home with very limited knowledge of software. Wia has no upfront costs, making it a great option for people with jobs trying to create apps or websites.

Cons: Wia cannot help you with choosing content for your website. While this allows for nearly unlimited creative potential, it hurts you if you do not have a fully fleshed out idea before using Wia. Wia may not be a great choice for larger software development companies who already have experts ready to connect devices and design websites. It is geared more towards smaller or independent developers. It can be easy to get carried away when using Wia and try to connect too many devices or create content that is irrelevant of redundant.

grex is using Wia every other week recently.


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Wia Videos

Youtube Video: Paul Harris Review of WIA (May 2017)
Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-05-02 07:58:17 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:49:36. This page has been viewed 2102 times.

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