Amazon WorkDocs
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Amazon WorkDocs Reviews
We have 1 review for Amazon WorkDocs. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Businesses of all sizes are using Amazon WorkDocs in order to have a centralized location for documents and spreadsheets. This is especially useful for companies that already use some of Amazon's many business services, like Lightsail, to keep all of their resources in a single place. Consolidation of online services means greater security, since Amazon is a robust company with plenty of cybercrime deflection measures behind it. The pricing model is modular: Users only have to pay for active user accounts and currently used storage. That means no shelling out cash for unused storage space. WorkDocs comes equipped with a handy software developer kit (SDK) to permit integration with custom modifications and plug-ins. Users can access Amazon WorkDocs from any device, increasing mobility in the ever-changing business environment. Administrators have full control of who is able to modify files online, and the environment's unlimited versioning feature means every change is saved in real-time and is immediately seen by other collaborators. Additionally, an activity feed records a history of all changes made to a document, allowing a moderator to revert back to previous version if needed.
Pros: Pay-as-you-go pricing for users on a budget Integration with other popular AWS services No commitments or long-term contracts
Cons: The sheer size of Amazon might make tech support slow Micro businesses may have no need for a document management service, especially if their business runs on a single computer Internet outages can be problematic since the documents are stored online
Amazon WorkDocs Videos
To learn more visit Amazon Workdocs is a fully managed, secure enterprise storage and sharing service with strong administrative controls and feedback capabilities...
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