Business Software
Productivity and Communications
Amby, People Alignment Platform built for teams achieving measurable outcomes by using OKRs ( Objective Key Results ) for strategy and execution. Amby is different from other OKR software in the follo...wing ways
- Ease of use, as close as possible experience with excel and word documents, but not the messiness
- Robustness of software. You can add KRs with increasing, decreasing and maintainable metrics. Collaboration, Progress tracking and insights. You can set, manage and measure OKRs at company, team and individual levels.
- Not expensive software. Amby strongly believes in the essential nature of the product, and it's free for 5 Users forever. Additional users at $3/user/month. As we are early, attractive offers are available currently. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Yashawanth B M and published by It was created at 2020-10-13 13:59:29 and last edited by Yashawanth B M at 2020-10-21 05:31:06. This page has been viewed 1147 times.
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