Callaba Cloud Live Streaming
Web Apps
Callaba Cloud Live Streaming is a professional streaming service with a focus on high quality video and audio, as well as streaming to an unlimited number of social networks (YouTube, Twitch, Facebook... etc.) at the same time. The main feature of the service is an all-in-one unlimited solution for organize events and live broadcasts via SRT cloud server with a simple setup.
SRT to SRT: Create unlimited number of independent SRT broadcasts at the same time. SRT Server for OBS Studio, vMix Call and Larix Broadcaster is just a few clicks away.
SRT to RTMP: Re-stream unlimited number of incoming SRT streams to an unlimited number of streaming platforms, with no loss of video and sound quality.
SRT to HDD: Record unlimited number of incoming streams for an unlimited number of hours.
Perfect solution for broadcast engineers, audio visual engineers, artists, event organizers. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Yoram Callaba and published by It was created at 2021-07-01 09:10:54 and last edited by Yoram Callaba at 2021-08-18 19:09:04. This page has been viewed 832 times.
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