!ss.setupShow you how to link the BOT to your DAYZ server and let it start working
!ss.vipJoin VIP or VVIP to get more powerful features
!ss.helpmeShow all commands that players can use
!ss.helpboss.frShow all free features
!ss.checkShow all serverID of your Nitrado
!ss.helpboss.kfShow all features about kill feed. All killing event will be posted in here
!ss.helpboss.rkSet a channel for player to check Rank & use Economy system & More... Most Player features must be used only here
!ss.helpboss.acShow all Control Pannel features. Config your server & Economy System. Some commands must be used only here
!ss.helpboss.ecShow all Economy features
!ss.helpboss.abShow all RP & Auto ban features. Set Safe Zone / Ban Zone / No build /PVP zone...
!ss.helpboss.trShow all features about tracking players / glitchers / cheaters
!ss.helpboss.btShow all bounty features. Players can put bounty on eachother
!ss.helpboss.raShow all base alarm feature, protect selected area
!ss.helpboss.glSome mini games related to the Ecomony system
!ss.helpboss.alAuto send log files to your Email
!ss.helpboss.dsShow all feature about discord control
15,000,000 Servers
11,600,000 Servers
9,980,000 Servers
9,970,000 Servers
8,980,000 Servers