Aadit's Hangman Bot icon

Aadit's Hangman Bot icon

Aadit's Hangman Bot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 5 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Aadit's Hangman Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Aadit's Hangman Bot when the help command is sent to a channel:
Aadit's Hangman Bot avatar
Aadit's Hangman Bot BOT today at 4:20 PM

$start - Start AWESOME hangman game !
$bal <member> - Check how much coins you or another member has!
$shop - Check out what you can buy with your coins!
$buy <item> <amount(Optional) - buy an item from the $shop! If you dont add an amount, it defaults to 1.
$servers - See how many servers the bot is in!
$pay <@user> <amount of coins> - Pay someone some coins!
$ping, $help - It's kinds obvious what these are...

Playing Aadit's Hangman

There are three ways to play. One is on https://aadits-hangman.herokuapp.com . That is a hangman app I am developing. The second way is by cloning the repo on https://aadits-hangman.herokuapp.com/github, which will open a tkinter window. Be sure to read README.md! The last way is with the bot. Simply type $start in a channel I can access!

Improving Aadit's hangman

You can improve our game by contacting me (https://aadits-hangman.herokuapp.com/contact) or by giving us anonymous feedback at https://aadits-hangman.herokuapp.com/feedback

Still confused?

Join our Support Server and watch our Video!

Enjoying the bot?

If you want to add Aadit's Hangman Bot to your own server so your members can play hangman, click HERE! Also, please see ($vote) if you want to get good prizes!

Thank you so much!


Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Aadit's Hangman Bot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
$start -
$bal -
$shop -
$help -
$ping -
Command Description

More Information on Aadit's Hangman Bot

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