A.C.E. - Autonomous Command Executor
Written and maintained by RUNIE 🔥#9646
Use .help [command] for more info on a command.You can also use .help [category] for more info on a category.
.help [command]
.help [category]
AutoHotkeyahk docs docslist docspage msdn versionConfigurationconfig modrole prefixFun8 bill breed choose fact flip floof meow quack server weather wolfram woof xkcdGamesnato triviaHighlighterlang serverlangMetaabout code feedback invite stats supportModerationlogchannel mention muterole spamRemindersreminders remindmeStarboardstar unstarTagstag tagsWhoIsavatar info newusers​No Categoryhelp
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15,000,000 Servers
11,600,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,090,000 Servers