Anthem Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/8ball question |
Asks the mighty 8ball your question. |
/base64 |
Converts text to and from base64. |
/binary |
Converts text to and from binary. |
/bird |
Shows random bird images (4k) |
/cat |
Sends a random cat image and fact. |
/clapify |
Clapifies text. |
/csgostats |
Shows the CSGO stats of a user |
/dm |
DM's someone your message. |
/docs |
Search something on discord.js docs. |
/doesnotexist |
Sends an AI generated picture of a person who does not exist. |
/dog |
Sends a random dog image and fact. |
/duck |
Sends random duck images (4k). |
/fml |
Sends a fuck my life quote. Can only be used in NSFW channels. |
/fox |
Sends random fox image and fact. |
/github |
Shows a github user's profile |
/info |
Shows info of the bot. |
/joke |
Sends a joke |
/kangaroo |
Sends a random kangaroo image and fact. |
/koala |
Sends a random koala image and fact. |
/lmgtfy |
Lmgtf-ies your question. |
/meme |
Provides random memes. |
/monkey |
Sends random monkey images. |
/morse |
Encodes and decodes text to and from morse. |
/npm |
Provides info about a NPM Package |
/panda |
Sends a random panda image and fact. |
/ping |
Provides the bot API and message edit ping. |
/pokedex |
Shows info about a pokemon |
/racoon |
Sends a random racoon image and fact. |
/redpanda |
Sends a random red panda image and fact. |
/reverse |
Reverses the provided text. |
/sarcastic |
CoNvERtS teXt to SaRCasTic teXt |
/steam |
Shows info about a steam game. |
/time |
Shows the time of a specific timezone. |
/urban |
Searches urban dictionary for your query. |
/vaporize |
Vaporizes text. |
/whale |
Sends a random whale image and fact. |
15,000,000 Servers
11,100,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,860,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers