Anthem icon

Anthem icon

Anthem Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 36 slash commands for Anthem Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Anthem when the help command is sent to a channel:
Anthem avatar
Anthem BOT today at 4:20 PM
Help is here!

Default Prefix: !
Server Prefix(es): None
Use !help <command name> to get info about a certain command. You can even use my mention as a prefix (ping me with the command name) for it to work
Need more help? Join the Support Server: Click Here

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**Animals [12]**

Shows all the available commands in the Animals category.

**Auto Moderation [6]**

Shows all the available commands in the Auto Moderation category.

**Auto Reaction [3]**

Shows all the available commands in the Auto Reaction category.

**Configuration [14]**

Shows all the available commands in the Configuration category.

**Custom Commands [10]**

Shows all the available commands in the Custom Commands category.

**Economy [15]**

Shows all the available commands in the Economy category.

**Fun [14]**

Shows all the available commands in the Fun category.

**General [11]**

Shows all the available commands in the General category.

**Image Manipulation [79]**

Shows all the available commands in the Image Manipulation category.

**Giveaways [4]**

Shows all the available commands in the Giveaways category.

**Info [17]**

Shows all the available commands in the Info category.

**Moderation [20]**

Shows all the available commands in the Moderation category.

**Music [22]**

Shows all the available commands in the Music category.

**Reaction Roles [2]**

Shows all the available commands in the Reaction Roles category.

**Search [9]**

Shows all the available commands in the Search category.

**Server Statistics [2]**

Shows all the available commands in the Server Statistics category.

**Starboard [2]**

Shows all the available commands in the Starboard category.

**Suggestions [7]**

Shows all the available commands in the Suggestions category.

**Tickets [10]**

Shows all the available commands in the Tickets category.

**Welcome Messages [6]**

Shows all the available commands in the Welcome Messages category.

**Youtube Notifications [3]**

Shows all the available commands in the Youtube Notifications category.

Total Commands - 283
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Anthem by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball question Asks the mighty 8ball your question.
/base64 Converts text to and from base64.
/binary Converts text to and from binary.
/bird Shows random bird images (4k)
/cat Sends a random cat image and fact.
/clapify Clapifies text.
/csgostats Shows the CSGO stats of a user
/dm DM's someone your message.
/docs Search something on discord.js docs.
/doesnotexist Sends an AI generated picture of a person who does not exist.
/dog Sends a random dog image and fact.
/duck Sends random duck images (4k).
/fml Sends a fuck my life quote. Can only be used in NSFW channels.
/fox Sends random fox image and fact.
/github Shows a github user's profile
/info Shows info of the bot.
/joke Sends a joke
/kangaroo Sends a random kangaroo image and fact.
/koala Sends a random koala image and fact.
/lmgtfy Lmgtf-ies your question.
/meme Provides random memes.
/monkey Sends random monkey images.
/morse Encodes and decodes text to and from morse.
/npm Provides info about a NPM Package
/panda Sends a random panda image and fact.
/ping Provides the bot API and message edit ping.
/pokedex Shows info about a pokemon
/racoon Sends a random racoon image and fact.
/redpanda Sends a random red panda image and fact.
/reverse Reverses the provided text.
/sarcastic CoNvERtS teXt to SaRCasTic teXt
/steam Shows info about a steam game.
/time Shows the time of a specific timezone.
/urban Searches urban dictionary for your query.
/vaporize Vaporizes text.
/whale Sends a random whale image and fact.

More Information on Anthem

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