Command | Description |
/avatar | View your or another member's avatar |
/ban | Ban a user from the server |
/boosters | View the servers xp boosting roles |
/clear | Purge a specific amount of messages from the channel |
/dashboard | Get a link to configure the servers settings |
/help | Receive a list of commands and utilities |
/invite | Get an invite link to add me to your Discord server |
/kick | Kick a user from the server |
/lb | View the top 10 users in the server |
/leaderboard | View the top 10 users in the server |
/level | View your level or another member's level and xp progress |
/lock | Lock the channel to prevent everyone from talking |
/mute | Mute a user which prevents them from talking |
/premium | Get a link to view and purchase premium perks |
/purge | Purge a specific amount of messages from the channel |
/rank | View your level or another member's level and xp progress |
/reason | Update the reason for a past case |
/rewards | View the servers role rewards |
/roleinfo | View information about the given role |
/serverinfo | View basic information about the server |
/setlevel | Set a user to a new level. Max of 100 |
/slowmode | Set the slowmode for the channel |
/stats | View basic information about Arcane |
/unban | Unban a user from the server |
/unlock | Unlock the channel |
/unmute | Unmute a user in the server |
/user-ids | Parses inputed text for *possible* user IDS. |
/userinfo | View your or another member's information |
/vote | Get a link to vote for Arcane. This helps more users discover the bot! |
/warn | Warn a user in the server |
/lol | /lol |