ARRR TipBot icon

ARRR TipBot icon

ARRR TipBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for ARRR Tip Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by ARRR TipBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
ARRR TipBot avatar
ARRR TipBot BOT today at 4:20 PM, check your direct messages for tipbot help.

ARRR TipBot will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
ARRR TipBot avatar
ARRR TipBot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Displays this message

`!arrrtip info`

Displays coin information

`!arrrtip balance`

Displays your balance

`!arrrtip deposit`

Displays your deposit address

`!arrrtip withdraw <address> <amount|all> [memo]`

Withdraws the entered amount to a ARRR address of your choice, optionally with a memo of your choice, e.g.
!arrrtip withdraw GLM3n7yMFmYkas2AgHKqE6EMJW5VsUXtQn 5.20 memoText
Note: Minimal amount to withdraw: 0.01 ARRR. A withdrawal fee of 0.002 ARRR will be automatically deducted from the amount and will be donated to the common faucet pot.

`!arrrtip <@user> <amount|all> [private]`

Tips the @ mentioned user with the desired amount, e.g.
!arrrtip @test123456#7890 1.00

`!arrrtip rain <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Rains the desired amount onto all online users (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip rain 10.00, !arrrtip rain 10.00 @Supporters
NOTE: On servers with 2k+ members, rain is limited to 400 random online users.

`!arrrtip soak <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Soaks the desired amount onto all online and idle users (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip soak 5.00, !arrrtip soak 5.00 @Supporters
NOTE: On servers with 2k+ members, soak is limited to 400 random online and idle users.

`!arrrtip flood <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Floods the desired amount onto all users (including offline users) (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip flood 5.00, !arrrtip flood 5.00 @Supporters
NOTE: On servers with 2k+ members, flood is disabled.

`!arrrtip sleet <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Makes a sleet storm with the desired amount onto all users that have been active in the channel in the last 15 minutes (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip sleet 5.00, !arrrtip sleet 5.00 @Supporters

`!arrrtip voicerain <amount|all> <@voiceChannel>`

Rains the desired amount onto all listening users in the mentioned voice channel, e.g.
!arrrtip voicerain 5.00 #General
NOTE: To mention a voice channel, get the channel ID (read here how) and enclose it with <# and >

`!arrrtip thunder <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Tips a random lucky online user with the amount (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip thunder 5.00, !arrrtip thunder 5.00 @Supporters

`!arrrtip thunderstorm <numberOfUsers> <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Tips a specified number (max: 50) random lucky online users with part of the amount (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip thunderstorm 10 5.00, !arrrtip thunderstorm 10 5.00 @Supporters

`!arrrtip hurricane <numberOfUsers> <amount|all> [<@role>]`

Tips a specified number (max: 50) random lucky online and idle users with part of the amount (optionally, within specified role), e.g.
!arrrtip hurricane 10 5.00, !arrrtip hurricane 10 5.00 @Supporters

`!arrrtip faucet`

Gets an amount from the faucet (applicable every 4 hours)

`!arrrtip reactdrop <amount> [<time>] [<emoji>]`

Performs a react airdrop with the amount, optionally within custom time, optionally using a custom-supplied emoji. <time> parameter accepts time interval expressions in the form of: 60s, 5m, 1h. Default time interval is 5m (5 minutes), e.g.
!arrrtip reactdrop 10 20m, !arrrtip reactdrop 10 3h💎

`!arrrtip listtransactions <numberOfDays>`

Generates an audit log of user's transactions for the last specified number of days

`!arrrtip blockheight`

Gets the current block height and block hash

`!arrrtip peers`

Generates an addnode list

`!arrrtip ignoreme`

Turns @mentioning you during mass operations on/off

Sapphire TipBot by sclear#0274
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of ARRR TipBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

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