Athix icon

Athix icon

Athix Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 39 slash commands for Athix Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Athix when the help command is sent to a channel:
Athix avatar
Athix BOT today at 4:20 PM
:notepad_spiral: Help Menu :notepad_spiral:

• You can view more about every command by typing >help command-name, for example: >help banner.
• My prefix in this server is: >
• Click on the buttons to interact with the menu or run the commands as they are given below.

Mini-Games: >help games
Special Features: >help specials
Utility: >help utility
Fun: >help fun
Moderation: >help mod
Event Builders: >help events
Extras: >help extras

Update 5.0

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Athix by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/8ball Ask any question to the 8ball.
/announce Make a embeded announcement in a channel.
/banner Make good looking banners, choose between several fonts and give it your favorite color!
/bubblewrap Play BubbleWrap.
/cc add embed Add a embeded custom command.
/cc add response Add a custom command with a normal message in response.
/cc cooldown Set a cooldown in the slash commands.
/cc edit color Edit the color of the cc embed.
/cc edit cooldown Edit cooldown of a custom command.
/cc edit description Edit the description of the cc embed.
/cc edit footer Edit the footer of the cc embed.
/cc edit response Edit the response of the cc embed.
/cc edit thumbnail Edit your cc embed's thumbnail.
/cc edit title Edit the title of the cc embed.
/cc info Information about custom commands.
/cc overview View current custom command settings.
/cc prefix Remove the need of prefix in starting of your custom command.
/cc remove Remove a custom command.
/cc role Add a role to be given when a member runs the cc.
/connect4 Play connect4 with you buddy.
/dare Get a dare question to ask someone.
/fact Read some amazing facts.
/help See all commands available in athix.
/luck Shows user's luck percentage.
/meme Get some memes.
/premium check Check if premium is actived in your server.
/premium info See all premium perks.
/premium redeem Have a premium code? Redeem it with this command for this server.
/roles add Add a new role for leveling roles.
/roles disable Disable and bulk delete the current level role system.
/roles info See all the information about the level roles.
/roles overview View all the level roles which you can gain in this server.
/roles remove Remove some level roles.
/topic Have a topic to chat about.
/truth Get a truth question to ask someone.
/ttt multiplayer Play tictactoe with your buddy!
/ttt solo Play tictactoe with the bot!
/vote check Check if you have voted or not.
/vote reminder Get reminders whenever you can vote for Athix again.

More Information on Athix

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