Athix Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 39 slash commands for Athix Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/8ball |
Ask any question to the 8ball. |
/announce |
Make a embeded announcement in a channel. |
/banner |
Make good looking banners, choose between several fonts and give it your favorite color! |
/bubblewrap |
Play BubbleWrap. |
/cc add embed |
Add a embeded custom command. |
/cc add response |
Add a custom command with a normal message in response. |
/cc cooldown |
Set a cooldown in the slash commands. |
/cc edit color |
Edit the color of the cc embed. |
/cc edit cooldown |
Edit cooldown of a custom command. |
/cc edit description |
Edit the description of the cc embed. |
/cc edit footer |
Edit the footer of the cc embed. |
/cc edit response |
Edit the response of the cc embed. |
/cc edit thumbnail |
Edit your cc embed's thumbnail. |
/cc edit title |
Edit the title of the cc embed. |
/cc info |
Information about custom commands. |
/cc overview |
View current custom command settings. |
/cc prefix |
Remove the need of prefix in starting of your custom command. |
/cc remove |
Remove a custom command. |
/cc role |
Add a role to be given when a member runs the cc. |
/connect4 |
Play connect4 with you buddy. |
/dare |
Get a dare question to ask someone. |
/fact |
Read some amazing facts. |
/help |
See all commands available in athix. |
/luck |
Shows user's luck percentage. |
/meme |
Get some memes. |
/premium check |
Check if premium is actived in your server. |
/premium info |
See all premium perks. |
/premium redeem |
Have a premium code? Redeem it with this command for this server. |
/roles add |
Add a new role for leveling roles. |
/roles disable |
Disable and bulk delete the current level role system. |
/roles info |
See all the information about the level roles. |
/roles overview |
View all the level roles which you can gain in this server. |
/roles remove |
Remove some level roles. |
/topic |
Have a topic to chat about. |
/truth |
Get a truth question to ask someone. |
/ttt multiplayer |
Play tictactoe with your buddy! |
/ttt solo |
Play tictactoe with the bot! |
/vote check |
Check if you have voted or not. |
/vote reminder |
Get reminders whenever you can vote for Athix again. |
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