Aves Commands
Currently we have 7 bot commands and 21 slash commands for Aves Discord bot.
Command | Description |
!help |
- |
!roll |
- |
!sum |
- |
!train |
- |
!import |
- |
!choose |
- |
!info |
- |
Command | Description |
/character choose name |
Switch to a new active character. |
/character create |
Create a new character. |
/character delete |
Delete a character. |
/character info |
Show the information of a character or one of his skills. |
/character list |
Shows a list of your characters. |
/character train |
Trains a new skill for the active character. |
/dice |
Creates a new symbol dice |
/group attribute |
Roll an attribute trial for the active group. |
/group choose |
Choose a group as active group. |
/group create |
Create a new character group. |
/group join |
Join a group. |
/group leave |
Leave a group. |
/group skill |
Roll a skill trial for the active group. |
/roll attribute |
Roll an attribute trial for the active character. |
/roll dice |
Roll dice(s). |
/roll skill |
Roll a skill trial for the active character. |
/roll slip |
Roll slip dices for battle (TDE4 only). |
/roll sum |
Roll dice(s). |
/roll trial |
Roll a custom trial for the active character. |
/settings hidestats |
Set the language of the bot. |
/settings language |
Set the localization of the bot. |
15,100,000 Servers
11,000,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,770,000 Servers
9,090,000 Servers