randchar - Rolls up a random 5e character.
randname - Generates a random name, optionally from a given race.
about - Information about the bot.
changelog - Prints a link to the official changelog.
ddb - Displays information about your D&D Beyond account link.
invite - Prints a link to invite Avrae to your server.
ping - Checks the ping time to the bot.
alias - Creates a custom user command.
cvar - Commands to manage character variables for use in snippets and aliases.
globalvar - Commands to manage global, community variables for use in snippets and aliases.
multiline - Runs each line as a separate command, with a 1 second delay between commands.
prefix - Sets the bot's prefix for this server.
servalias - Adds an alias that the entire server can use.
servervar - Commands to manage server variables for use in snippets and aliases.
servsnippet - Creates a snippet that the entire server can use.
snippet - Creates a snippet to use in certain commands.
tembed - Parses str
as if it were in an alias, for testing, then creates and prints an Embed.
test - Parses str
as if it were in an alias, for testing.
uservar - Commands to manage user variables for use in snippets and aliases.
iterroll - Rolls dice in xdy format, given a set dc.
monattack - Rolls a monster's attack.
moncast - Casts a spell as a monster.
moncheck - Rolls a check for a monster.
monsave - Rolls a save for a monster.
multiroll - Rolls dice in xdy format a given number of times.
roll - Roll is used to roll any combination of dice in the XdY
format. (1d6
, 2d8
, etc)
campaign - Links a D&D Beyond campaign to this channel, displaying rolls made on players' character sheets in real time.
cast - Casts a spell.
customcounter - Commands to implement custom counters.
game - Commands to help track character information in a game. Use !help game
to view subcommands.
spellbook - Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata.
bestiary - Commands to manage homebrew monsters.
pack - Commands to manage homebrew items.
tome - Commands to manage homebrew spells.
init - Commands to help track initiative.
background - Looks up a background.
class - Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level.
classfeat - Looks up a class feature.
condition - Looks up a condition.
feat - Looks up a feat.
item - Looks up an item.
lookup_settings - Changes settings for the lookup module.
monimage - Shows a monster's image.
monster - Looks up a monster.
race - Looks up a race.
racefeat - Looks up a racial feature.
rule - Looks up a rule.
spell - Looks up a spell.
subclass - Looks up a subclass.
token - Shows a monster or your character's token.
br - Prints a scene break.
echo - Echos a message.
embed - Creates and prints an Embed.
techo - Echos a message, and deletes it after a few seconds.
attack - Rolls an attack for the current active character.
beyond - Loads a character sheet from D&D Beyond, resetting all settings.
character - Switches the active character.
check - Rolls a check for your current active character.
csettings - Updates personalization settings for the currently active character.
desc - Prints or edits a description of your currently active character.
dicecloud - Loads a character sheet from Dicecloud, resetting all settings.
gsheet - Loads a character sheet from GSheet v2.1 (auto) or GSheet v1.4 (manual), resetting all settings.
import - Loads a character sheet in one of the accepted formats:
portrait - Shows or edits the image of your currently active character.
save - Rolls a save for your current active character.
sheet - Prints the embed sheet of your currently active character.
** **
transferchar - Gives a copy of the active character to another user.
update - Updates the current character sheet, preserving all settings.
help - Shows this message.
tutorial - Shows the current tutorial objective, lists the available tutorials if one is not active, or begins a new tutorial.
More Help
An underlined command signifies that the command has subcommands.
Type !help <command> for more info on a command.
You can also type !help <category> for more info on a category.