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Avrae Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Avrae Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Avrae when the help command is sent to a channel:
Avrae avatar
Avrae BOT today at 4:20 PM

I have sent help to your PMs.

Avrae will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Avrae avatar
Avrae BOT today at 4:20 PM

Avrae, a D&D 5e utility bot designed to help you and your friends play D&D online.
A full command list can be found here!
Invite Avrae to your server here!
Join the official development server here!


randchar - Rolls up a random 5e character.
randname - Generates a random name, optionally from a given race.


about - Information about the bot.
changelog - Prints a link to the official changelog.
ddb - Displays information about your D&D Beyond account link.
invite - Prints a link to invite Avrae to your server.
ping - Checks the ping time to the bot.


alias - Creates a custom user command.
cvar - Commands to manage character variables for use in snippets and aliases.
globalvar - Commands to manage global, community variables for use in snippets and aliases.
multiline - Runs each line as a separate command, with a 1 second delay between commands.
prefix - Sets the bot's prefix for this server.
servalias - Adds an alias that the entire server can use.
servervar - Commands to manage server variables for use in snippets and aliases.
servsnippet - Creates a snippet that the entire server can use.
snippet - Creates a snippet to use in certain commands.
tembed - Parses str as if it were in an alias, for testing, then creates and prints an Embed.
test - Parses str as if it were in an alias, for testing.
uservar - Commands to manage user variables for use in snippets and aliases.


iterroll - Rolls dice in xdy format, given a set dc.
monattack - Rolls a monster's attack.
moncast - Casts a spell as a monster.
moncheck - Rolls a check for a monster.
monsave - Rolls a save for a monster.
multiroll - Rolls dice in xdy format a given number of times.
roll - Roll is used to roll any combination of dice in the XdY format. (1d6, 2d8, etc)


campaign - Links a D&D Beyond campaign to this channel, displaying rolls made on players' character sheets in real time.


cast - Casts a spell.
customcounter - Commands to implement custom counters.
game - Commands to help track character information in a game. Use !help game to view subcommands.
spellbook - Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata.


bestiary - Commands to manage homebrew monsters.
pack - Commands to manage homebrew items.
tome - Commands to manage homebrew spells.


init - Commands to help track initiative.


background - Looks up a background.
class - Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level.
classfeat - Looks up a class feature.
condition - Looks up a condition.
feat - Looks up a feat.
item - Looks up an item.
lookup_settings - Changes settings for the lookup module.
monimage - Shows a monster's image.
monster - Looks up a monster.
race - Looks up a race.
racefeat - Looks up a racial feature.
rule - Looks up a rule.
spell - Looks up a spell.
subclass - Looks up a subclass.
token - Shows a monster or your character's token.


br - Prints a scene break.
echo - Echos a message.
embed - Creates and prints an Embed.
techo - Echos a message, and deletes it after a few seconds.


attack - Rolls an attack for the current active character.
beyond - Loads a character sheet from D&D Beyond, resetting all settings.
character - Switches the active character.
check - Rolls a check for your current active character.
csettings - Updates personalization settings for the currently active character.
desc - Prints or edits a description of your currently active character.
dicecloud - Loads a character sheet from Dicecloud, resetting all settings.
gsheet - Loads a character sheet from GSheet v2.1 (auto) or GSheet v1.4 (manual), resetting all settings.
import - Loads a character sheet in one of the accepted formats:
portrait - Shows or edits the image of your currently active character.
save - Rolls a save for your current active character.
sheet - Prints the embed sheet of your currently active character.

** **

transferchar - Gives a copy of the active character to another user.
update - Updates the current character sheet, preserving all settings.


help - Shows this message.
tutorial - Shows the current tutorial objective, lists the available tutorials if one is not active, or begins a new tutorial.

More Help

An underlined command signifies that the command has subcommands.
Type !help <command> for more info on a command.
You can also type !help <category> for more info on a category.

Arguments surrounded in angled brackets (<args>) are mandatory, while those surrounded in square brackets ([args]) are optional. In either case, don't include the brackets.
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Avrae by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description

More Information on Avrae

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