Bag icon

Bag icon

Bag Commands

Currently we have 0 bot commands and 67 slash commands for Bag Discord bot.

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Bag by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/animal Posts a picture of an animal
/ask Asks DuckDuckGo
/avatar Shows a user's profile picture (avatar)
/badwords add Adds a bad word
/badwords clear Removes all bad words
/badwords list Lists all bad words
/badwords remove Removes a bad word
/ban Bans a user
/bot channels list Lists the bot's server and voice log channels
/bot channels removeserverlog Removes (disables) the bot's server log channel
/bot channels removevoicelog Removes (disables) the bot's voice log channel
/bot channels setserverlog Sets the bot's server log channel
/bot channels setvoicelog Sets the bot's voice log channel
/bot dm list Lists the bot's event DMs
/bot dm removejoin Removes the bot's join DM
/bot dm removereact Removes the bot's react DM
/bot dm removeunreact Removes the bot's unreact DM
/bot dm setjoin Sets the bot's join DM
/bot dm setreact Sets the bot's react DM
/bot dm setunreact Sets the bot's unreact DM
/bot modules disable Disables a bot module
/bot modules enable Enables a bot module
/bot modules list Lists all bot modules
/bot mutes removeroles Toggles on/off the bot's ability to remove all of a user's roles during mutes
/bot nickname reset Removes the bot's nickname
/bot nickname set Sets the bot's nickname
/bot roles addadmin Adds a bot administrator role
/bot roles list Lists the bot's administrator and muted roles
/bot roles removeadmin Removes a bot administrator role
/bot roles removemuted Removes the bot's muted role
/bot roles setmuted Sets the bot's muted role
/clear Removes specified amount of messages from a channel
/cnote Removes a note from a user
/commands add Adds a custom command
/commands clear Removes all custom commands
/commands list Lists all custom commands
/commands remove Removes a custom command
/cwarn Removes a warning from a user
/disconnect Disconnects a user from their current voice channel
/emoji add Adds emojis
/emoji list Lists all emojis in the server
/emoji remove Removes emojis
/help Shows all of Bag's commands
/identifier Pulls up a mod action with the specified identifier
/kick Kicks a user from the server
/mute Mutes a user
/note Notes a user
/reaction add Adds a reaction role
/reaction list Lists all reaction roles
/reaction remove Removes a reaction role
/reminder clear Removes all reminders
/reminder list Lists all reminders
/reminder remove Removes a reminder
/reminder set Sets a reminder
/status Shows the bot's status
/twitch add Adds a Twitch channel going live announcement
/twitch remove Removes a Twitch channel going live announcement
/ud random Pulls up random Urban Dictionary term
/ud term Pulls up specified Urban Dictionary term
/unban Unbans a user
/unmute Unmutes a user
/user Looks up user information
/users Shows the amount of members in the server
/vc Shows what voice channel a user is in
/vct Tracks a user's voice status
/voicelog Shows a user's voice status logs
/warn Warns a user

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