Birthday Bot Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/about |
Shows some cool info. |
/blacklist |
Adds or removes servers from your blacklist. |
/channel |
Sets the birthday channel. |
/embed |
Toggles if your birhday message is an embed. |
/getbday |
Checks what your birthday is set to. |
/help |
Get info about the bot |
/message add |
Add a birthday message. |
/message check |
Check your birthday message. |
/message clear |
Clear your birthday message. |
/message remove |
Remove a birthday message. |
/premium |
Checks if your guild is premium. |
/setbday |
Sets your birthday. Use the MM/DD format.. |
/setprefix |
Set the prefix Birthay Bot uses for your server. |
/settings |
Checks what your server settings are. |
/support |
Link to join the suppport server. |
/test |
Tests your birthday settings. |
/vote |
Shows an embed with a link to vote for Birthday Bot. |
/voteperks |
Shows a list of some perks you get from voting. |
15,100,000 Servers
11,200,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,840,000 Servers
9,050,000 Servers