Boombox Commands
Currently we have 11 bot commands and 15 slash commands for Boombox Discord bot.
Command | Description |
!play |
- |
!skip |
- |
!stop |
- |
!np |
- |
!lyrics |
- |
!queue |
- |
!volume |
- |
!invite |
- |
!playlist |
- |
!pause |
- |
!remove |
- |
Command | Description |
/help |
List's all available commands and info for the commands. |
/invite |
Sends an invite link for the bot. |
/nowplaying |
Shows the media that is currently playing. |
/pause |
Pause or resume the current song. |
/play |
Plays a song from youtube, spotify or any MP3 url. |
/playlist |
Plays all songs from a youtube playlist, spotify album or spotify playlist. |
/queue |
Shows the current queue |
/remove |
Removes a specifc song from the queue |
/savequeue delete |
Delete a saved queue |
/savequeue list |
Lists all your saved queues. |
/savequeue load |
Loads a queue from the saved queues. |
/savequeue save |
Saves the current queue. |
/skip |
Skips the current playing song. |
/stop |
Stop's the currnet playing song and deletes the queue. |
/volume |
Set's the volume to a number between 0 and 100. |
14,900,000 Servers
11,200,000 Servers
10,100,000 Servers
9,870,000 Servers
9,060,000 Servers