Use .help [command name] for more details.[ ] : optional< > : required | : separator
Choose a random item from input
Flip a coin
Randomly split people into teams
[toggle] Auto play similar songs
Create and save your own playlist!
Insert a song to the queue
Make the bot join user's current voice channel
Jump to a selected song in the queue
Play the song and show lyrics at once
Disconnect the current voice channel
[toggle] Toggle music loop.
Look up lyrics of a song. This command only works with Romanized characters like from A-Z, not Korean, Mandarin, etc.
Move a song to a certain spot in the queue.
Pause current music
Play a song
Play a playlist from Youtube | Spotify
Play a song next
Skip the current song, and play the song provided immediately
Display the queue.
Remove a selected song in the queue
Resume the music
Search for a video
Shuffle queue
Skip the current song or a number of songs
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9,790,000 Servers
9,030,000 Servers