Canti Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
&public |
- |
&private |
- |
&voicecategory |
- |
&invite |
- |
&accept |
- |
&voicekick |
- |
&voicerole |
- |
&find |
- |
"e |
- |
&furigana |
- |
&reading |
- |
Command | Description |
/accept |
Accept another user's invitation to join a voice channel |
/blame |
Reveal the user who caused the bot to send a given message |
/botinfo |
Show miscellaneous info about the bot |
/find |
Finds a role, user or emoji by name |
/furigana |
Render text with furigana as an image |
/help |
Show descriptions for all commands, or view one command in detail |
/invite |
Ask another user to join your current voice channel |
/permissiondiff |
Find the difference between two channels' permissions |
/ping |
Check the lag from the bot to the server |
/playing |
Set the game that this bot is currently playing |
/private |
Create a private voice chat channel |
/public |
Create a public voice chat channel |
/quote |
Embed a message as a quote |
/reading |
Show the romaji and furigana readings of Japanese text |
/regslash |
Register slash commands in guild (debug purposes) |
/spoiler |
Hide a spoiler |
/stop |
Shut the bot down |
/voicecategory |
Set or query the default category for user-created voice chats |
/voicekick |
Kicks a user from voice chat |
/voicerole |
Set or query the role automatically assigned to voice chat users |
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