Canti icon

Canti icon

Canti Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 11 bot commands and 20 slash commands for Canti Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Canti when the help command is sent to a channel:
Canti avatar
Canti BOT today at 4:20 PM

You can erase most replies this bot sends to you by reacting with ❌ or 🚮.
Commands (page 1 of 2):
&accept: Accept another user's invitation to join a voice channel
&blame: Reveal the user who caused the bot to send a given message
&find: Finds a role, user or emoji by name
&furigana: Render text with furigana as an image
&help: Show descriptions for all commands, or view one command in detail
&invite: Ask another user to join your current voice channel
&permissiondiff: Find the difference between two channels' permissions
&ping: Check the lag from the bot to the server
&private: Create a private voice chat channel
&public: Create a public voice chat channel
Source code 🗒️ \| Invite to your server 📥 \| canti-bot 2.1.1

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Canti by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
&public -
&private -
&voicecategory -
&invite -
&accept -
&voicekick -
&voicerole -
&find -
&quote -
&furigana -
&reading -
Command Description
/accept Accept another user's invitation to join a voice channel
/blame Reveal the user who caused the bot to send a given message
/botinfo Show miscellaneous info about the bot
/find Finds a role, user or emoji by name
/furigana Render text with furigana as an image
/help Show descriptions for all commands, or view one command in detail
/invite Ask another user to join your current voice channel
/permissiondiff Find the difference between two channels' permissions
/ping Check the lag from the bot to the server
/playing Set the game that this bot is currently playing
/private Create a private voice chat channel
/public Create a public voice chat channel
/quote Embed a message as a quote
/reading Show the romaji and furigana readings of Japanese text
/regslash Register slash commands in guild (debug purposes)
/spoiler Hide a spoiler
/stop Shut the bot down
/voicecategory Set or query the default category for user-created voice chats
/voicekick Kicks a user from voice chat
/voicerole Set or query the role automatically assigned to voice chat users

More Information on Canti

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