Castle Mania icon

Castle Mania icon

Castle Mania Commands

Currently we have 15 bot commands and 59 slash commands for Castle Mania Discord bot.

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Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Castle Mania by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
/castle -
/shop -
/buy -
/sell -
/local -
/global -
/dungeon -
/raid -
/claims -
/claim -
/colour -
/coinflip -
/slots -
/vote -
/support -
Command Description
/buy item Buy a generator for your castle.
/castle This command returns your castle or optionally another user's castle.
/charms This command shows a list of all collectable charms.
/colour Change the colour of your castle.
/commands Shows a list of all available commands.
/dungeon Start a dungeon run.
/generate Generate a lootbox for yourself or another user.
/generator This command allows you to see information about a specific generator.
/generators Shows a list of all generators.
/global The global leaderboard.
/inventory This command returns your inventory or optionally another user's inventory.
/invite Bot invite link.
/kingdom buy Buy charms, member-slots or boxes for your Kingdom.
/kingdom colour Change the colour of your kingdom!
/kingdom commands Returns all commands for /kingdom.
/kingdom create Create a Kingdom and invite your friends.
/kingdom demote Demote a knight back to a user.
/kingdom deposit Deposit money into your kingdom.
/kingdom disband Disband/Delete your entire Kingdom.
/kingdom global The global leaderboard.
/kingdom image Set the logo of your kingdom with an image URL
/kingdom invite Invite a castle to your kingdom.
/kingdom kick Kick a user from your kingdom.
/kingdom leave Leave your current kingdom.
/kingdom promote Promote a user in your kingdom to a Knight.
/kingdom rename Change the name of your kingdom.
/kingdom shop Buyable items for your kingdom.
/kingdom show Show your current kingdom or optionally another kingdom.
/kingdom users Show the list of users in a specified kingdom.
/listing buy Buy a listing.
/listing commands Returns all commands for /listing.
/listing new Create a new listing.
/listing search Search the marketplace for listings.
/listing show Show a users listings.
/listing withdraw Withdraw one of your listings.
/local The local server leaderboard.
/move Transfer a generator to your castle or inventory.
/mute Mute your alerts.
/omega How to unlock the Omega generator.
/pet adopt Adopt a pet for your castle.
/pet commands Returns all commands for /pet.
/pet feed Feed one of your pets to increase its hunger.
/pet list This command shows a list of all pets.
/pet nick Choose a pet you wish to nickname.
/pet play Play with one of your pets to increase its happiness.
/pet show This command shows a list of your pets or optionally another users pets.
/premium This command shows the perks of becoming a premium user!
/raid Create a joinable raid against another user.
/raw Use their ID instead.
/reload Reload all commands.
/sell Sell a generator from your castle or inventory.
/shop Show things to buy.
/slots Play a game of slots.
/sort Sorts your castle & inventory from Highest GPS to Lowest
/spin Spin the wheel and get a random award!
/stats Stats command.
/support Support server.
/update Bot update link.
/vote Vote for a lootbox.

More Information on Castle Mania

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