Here's the list of all my manual commands:
baka, boop, cuddle, cute, fistbump, handhold, hug, kill, kiss, language, lewd, lick, love, nom, pat, pet, comfort, protect, respects, slap, slep, smartcutie, tacklecuddle, tacklehug, tackletickle, tickle
avatar, ban, contact, emoji, emojiremove, emoteupload, help, invite, leavejoin, purge, serverinfo, stats, userinfo, userinfo2
Breathing GIFs:
breathe, monibreathe, natsubreathe, sayobreathe, yuribreathe
coinflip, fh4, rockpaperscissors
dokihugs, reeboot, rpd, telegram
hahayes, okay, ree
Bot settings:
toggle, blacklist
Use these by typing cn.[command name]
You can use [command name]
to get more details on a specific MANUAL
ERROR: many features have been disabled due to discord api limits
Don't like my autotrigger commands? You can turn them off (and on again!) by using cn.toggle
. Be aware that you need ADMINISTRATOR
perms to do so!
ERROR: discord has restricted the part of their api that handles guild member permissions, at this time the toggle does not work, a workaround may be possible
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