Chewbotcca icon

Chewbotcca icon

Chewbotcca Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 7 bot commands and 61 slash commands for Chewbotcca Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Chewbotcca when the help command is sent to a channel:
Chewbotcca avatar
Chewbotcca BOT today at 4:20 PM
Welcome to the Chewbotcca Discord Bot

Chewbotcca is a multi-purpose, semi-functional, almost always online, Discord bot!

This bot is powered by SkySilk Cloud Services!


You can find all my commands here

Invite me!

You can invite me to your server with this link.

Help Server

Click me to join the help server.

More Bot Stats

Run %^stats to see more stats!

Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Chewbotcca by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
%^roll -
%^cat -
%^rubygem -
%^sinfo -
%^mixer -
%^youtube -
%^ghuser -
Command Description
/8ball Ask the magic 8ball a question!
/acronym Fill in an acronym (2% accuracy)
/apod Show NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day for today, or a specified date
/botinfo Finds info on a specified bot
/cat Get a very cute picture of a cat!
/catfact Find a fun fact about our furry feline friends!
/channelinfo Gathers info about a specified channel
/coinflip Flip a coin
/define Defines a word.
/discrim list List users with a given discriminator, or blank for your own
/discrim rank View most used discriminators, based on users in this bot's servers
/dog Gets a random dog picture! Bark, woof, purr?
/feedback Leave some feedback about the bot
/github issue Gathers an issue from a repository on GitHub
/github repository Gathers a repository from GitHub
/github user Gathers a user from GitHub
/help Get Help with the bot
/info Returns some detailed information about a specified command
/invite Generate a link to invite me to your serve!
/lastfm Returns playing status for a specified user
/mcissue Searches Mojira or Spigot MC Jira for a specified issue. Requires PROJ-NUM or link
/mcserver Find some information about a specified server
/mcstatus Gather Mojang/Minecraft server status
/mcuser Looks up a Minecraft user and returns their profile
/mcwiki Search the Minecraft Wiki
/memerator meme Gets a meme from Memerator
/memerator profile Gets a profile from Memerator
/numberfact Find some cool and interesting facts about a number
/ocr Finds text on images, turns out iOS 15 does this now but whatever
/paste Pastes a recent message or a provided link to
/ping Ping the bot
/privacy Find a link to Chewbotcca's privacy policy
/profile delete Deletes all information associated with your bot profile
/profile get Gets your bot profile
/profile set Changes information associated with your bot profile
/qrcode Converts arguments into a QR Code
/quote References a message from a server/channel this bot is in and can view
/reddit Searches for and returns a post from reddit
/roleinfo Find some information about roles
/roll Rolls an optionally specified amount of dice
/rory follow Follows the Rory Image feed to the current channel (Requires Manage Webhooks)
/rory get Gets a Rory photo!
/rubygem Searches for and returns some basic info about a specified ruby gem
/serverinfo boosts Gathers information about this server's boosts.
/serverinfo bots Gathers information about this server's bots.
/serverinfo channels Gathers information about this server's channels.
/serverinfo general Gathers general information about this server
/serverinfo member Search for a member by a join position.
/serverinfo memberstats Gathers general statistics about this server's member.
/serverinfo milestones Gathers information about this server's member milestones.
/serverinfo roles Gathers information about this server's roles.
/serversettings get Gets this server's settings
/serversettings set Changes information associated with this server's settings
/spigotdrama Generates some random Spigot drama
/stats Cool stats about the bot!
/trbmb Generates a random TRBMB phrase
/unsuppress Unsuppresses an embed given a message URL
/urban Checks a word on Urban Dictionary. Only works in NSFW channels
/userinfo Returns some useful info about you or another user
/userstats Finds amount of users with user flags
/youtube Queries YouTube for a video

More Information on Chewbotcca

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