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ChilledChino icon

ChilledChino Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 3 bot commands and 50 slash commands for ChilledChino Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by ChilledChino when the help command is sent to a channel:
ChilledChino avatar
ChilledChino BOT today at 4:20 PM

My current prefix in My Server is nc!
206 commands loaded. 265 subcommands loaded
Note: [] is additional and <> is required parameter


1 | admin nc!help admin
2 | animal nc!help animal
3 | anime nc!help anime
4 | config nc!help config
5 | developer nc!help developer
6 | economy nc!help economy
7 | fun nc!help fun
8 | game nc!help game
9 | image nc!help image
10 | information nc!help information
11 | leveling nc!help leveling
12 | locked nc!help locked
13 | misc nc!help misc
14 | music nc!help music
15 | nsfw nc!help nsfw
16 | utility nc!help utility

Additional Links

Top.GG | Support Server | Website | Player

The developer just finished the new code and it's been used now. If you found a bug, please kindly report it with `report` command. Some of the commands and features are not moved yet. It can be on progress, archived and come in the future, or removed permanently. The developer will give you when will the final version released via status
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of ChilledChino by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
nc!prefix -
nc!modlogs -
nc!setai -
Command Description
/24h Set the bot to wether leave or keep in vc when there's no user
/8d Set player 8d effect
/afk Set your AFK and tell other when someone is pinging you that you
/autoplay Automatically play another song when the queue finished
/avatar Show yours or someone else avatar
/bassboost Set player bassboost effect
/clear Clear music from queue
/distort Set player distort effect
/favourite list Get your favourited song list
/favourite play Play a song from list
/favourite remove Remove a song from list
/favourite save Save a song
/filters Check all filter status
/forceplay Force play a song
/help Show list of my available commands
/invite invite me to other server
/join Join a voice channel
/leave Leave a voice channel
/loop Loop the player
/lyrics Get custom/current playing song's lyrics
/meme Get random meme from Reddit
/move Move song
/neko Get anime neko gif
/nightcore Set player nightcore effect
/nom Get anime nom gif
/nowplaying Get now playing song
/pat Get anime pat gif
/pause Pause the player
/pitch Set player pitch effect
/play Play music
/previous Play previous song
/queue Show the music queue and now playing.
/rate Set player rate effect
/remove remove song from queue
/reset Reset all active effects
/save Save a queue and use it later
/savedelete Delete saved queue
/savelist See a saved queue
/saveplay Play saved queue
/shuffle Shuffle the queue
/skip Skip current song
/skipto Skip to selected song
/snipe See deleted message by user
/speed Set player speed effect
/summon Summon a webplayer
/translate Translate sentences into another language
/vaporwave Set player vaporwave effect
/volume Set player volume
/waifu Get random waifu pic
/whois Check information about someone

More Information on ChilledChino

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