Chilly icon

Chilly icon

Chilly Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 2 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Chilly Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Chilly when the help command is sent to a channel:
Chilly avatar
Chilly BOT today at 4:20 PM
Chilly's Commands

Prefix: !
More Information: !help [command]

**info Emoji Info [23]**

admins aliases avatar channelinfo emojis findid gallery help members mods permissions prefix roleinfo roles servercount servericon serverinfo serverstaff stats supportserver tos uptime userinfo

**utility Emoji Utility [11]**

feedback inviteme nickname ping poll reportbug snipe suggest translate vote weather

**image Emoji Image [11]**

bed changemymind clydify delete facepalm hitler ohno trash trigger wanted wasted

**animals Emoji Animals [8]**

bird cat catfact dog dogfact duck fox shibe

**fun Emoji Fun [15]**

8ball coinflip emojify freenitro gayrate meme roll rps say solotrivia topics trivia yesno yomomma youtube

**music Emoji Music [9]**

join leave nowplaying pause play queue resume volume skip

**color Emoji Color [5]**

color colors createcolor createdefaultcolors randomcolor

**points Emoji Points [8]**

crown explainpoints givepoints leaderboard points pointsper position totalpoints

**mod Emoji Mod [16]**

addrole ban clearwarns kick mute purge purgebot removerole setnickname slowmode softban unban unmute warn warnpurge warns

**config Emoji Config [34]**

setadminrole setautokick setautorole setcommandpoints setcrownchannel setcrownmessage setcrownrole setcrownschedule setfarewellchannel setfarewellmessage setmemberlog setmessagedeletelog setmessageeditlog setmessagepoints setmodchannels setmodlog setmodrole setmuterole setnicknamelog setprefix setrolelog setstarboardchannel setsystemchannel settings setverificationchannel setverificationmessage setverificationrole setvoicepoints setwelcomechannel setwelcomemessage togglecommand togglepoints togglerandomcolor toggletype
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Chilly by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
!help -
!setprefix -
Command Description

More Information on Chilly

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