CocoBot icon

CocoBot icon

CocoBot Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 1 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Coco Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by CocoBot when the help command is sent to a channel:
CocoBot avatar
CocoBot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Use c>help <module> for usages, but don't include the <> brackets.

rpgmain - Main commands for the economy!
rpgshop - Shop commands for the economy!
games - Commands to play games with your friends. (mafia, chess, connect four, tic tac toe, rock paper scissors)
fun - Fun commands to play around with!
tools - Useful tools that can help you solve expressions and more!
ranking - Ranking commands to let you see or configure the ranking system!
leveling - Commands to give roles to members once they reach a certain level or position! [Requires Administrator to use]
moderation - Commands to help moderate your server. [Requires Manage Messages to use]
roles - Useful role information!
blacklist - Blacklists users from running commands (per-server basis). [Requires Manage Server to use]
censor - Censors words or phrases to keep your chats clean! [Requires Manage Server to use]
suggest - Suggest ideas to the developer or get help regarding a command/bug!
music - Plays music for you in a voice channel!
giveaways - Create fun giveaways for your server!
markov - Create messages using markov chains.
antispam - Prevent users from spamming in your server!
extra - Temporary commands which are either still in development or don't have a category to be in.

Note: Modules which have the [Requires <permission> to use] does not mean that I need that permission. Instead, the person who is running that command requires a specific permission to prevent abuse.
Additionally, some features like censoring require additional permissions, like Manage Messages.

Need help/found a bug? Join the support server using c>invite, or use our suggestion commands!
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of CocoBot by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
c>help -
Command Description

More Information on CocoBot

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