Dazai Osamu Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 60 slash commands for Dazai Osamu Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/boost list |
Displays your current Dazai Boost Inventory |
/boost server |
Boosts the current server you are in! |
/boost switch |
Switches your support to another server! |
/botstats |
Check Bot stats |
/credits |
List of credits |
/curve |
Displays current exp curve. to change the curve, type `curve set {newCurve}` (requires `setCurve`) |
/disconnect |
Disconnects the bot. |
/eco bal |
Gets your balance or another user's bal |
/eco pay |
Gets your balance or another user's bal |
/esnipe |
Returns the latest edited message |
/export |
Exports Dazai server config data into a flatfile for easy use |
/flushify |
Makes any emote flushed! (In partnership with `ᚣᛇᚱᚣ#9670`) |
/follow |
Follows the Dazai News Channel! |
/forceskip |
Forces a skip of the current song |
/help |
Displays this message, duh! |
/import |
Imports Dazai server config data from a flatfile WILL OVERRIDE SETTINGS |
/lewd |
(NSFW) Gets a random image of a lewd character |
/loop |
Toggles loop on or off |
/moderator list |
lists the current channels moderated |
/moderator setup |
Start the setup process to setup AI Mod |
/mute |
Mutes a user |
/nhentai |
Provides info about a doujin |
/nick |
Changes somebody's nickname and "Locks" it (Preventing modification) |
/notlewd |
Gets a sfw image given the tags |
/nowplaying |
Displays whats playing right now! |
/pause |
Pauses music. |
/permissions dj |
Set the DJ Permissions for the server |
/permissions everyone |
Set the base Permissions for the server |
/permissions extrarole |
Set the Extra Role Permissions for the server |
/permissions extrarole2 |
Set the Second Extra Role Permissions for the server |
/permissions mod |
Set the Moderator Permissions for the server |
/pfp |
Displays pfp |
/play |
Plays music. |
/purge |
Purges X messages |
/pvc |
Sends everyone from in the current VC into a private voice lounge in which nobody can join |
/queue |
Displays the current queue |
/rank |
Displays a rank card, snazzy! |
/reactionrole autoclean |
Cleans up your Reaction Roles that are attached to deleted messages |
/reactionrole create |
Creates a reaction Role |
/reactionrole delete |
Delete a Reaction Role! |
/reactionrole list |
Lists all your Reaction Roles |
/remove |
Removes a song based on the index or "all" to purge the queue |
/report |
Report a bug! Abuse of this feature may result in getting blacklisted from this feature |
/resume |
Resumes music when paused. |
/ripemote |
Takes an emote from a message and adds it to your server! |
/shuffle |
Shuffles the playlist |
/snipe |
Returns the latest deleted message |
/status add |
Add a status |
/status del |
Delete a status |
/status view |
View all statuses |
/top |
Displays the people who hold the most XP!! |
/trade delete |
deletes a current trade you have |
/trade list |
Lists all your current trades |
/unmute |
unmutes a user |
/urban |
(NSFW) Provides the urban dictionary definition of a word |
/uwuspeak |
UwUifies a channel |
/vote |
Responds with vote link |
/voteskip |
Votes to skip the current song |
/warn |
Warns a user. |
/warns |
View Warns |
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