Server Prefix: $
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Quick Start:
- setup the bot. Only accessible by someone with Manage Guild Permission.
or $hr
or $hourly
- hourly rewards!
or $dr
or $daily
- daily rewards!
or $sp
- spin daily and get or
or $vr
- vote every 12 hours and get
Loot box:
or $lootbox
- inventory.
$box open [amount]
or $lootbox open [amount]
- open and get more and or
Stats and info:
or $b
or $rank
- shows your stats, rank and balance.
or $top
or $lb
- global/local ranking.
or $table
or $t
- shows where you can use the casino commands.
$blackjack [bet/half or all]
or $bj [bet/half or all]
- play a blackjack game.
$coinflip [tails/heads] [bet/half or all]
or $cf [tails/heads] [bet/half or all]
- play a coinflip.
$dice [bet/half or all]
- play a dice game.
$ftl [bet/half or all]
- play a find the lady (five-card monte) game.
$duel [mention] [bet]
- duel with someone in your server! Game will be random, there are currently 3 games in duel, RPS/Coinflip/Guess the Number.
or $about
or $status
- dealer's status and information.
or $report [bug message]
- report a bug to the developer.
or $idea [suggestion]
- suggest an idea to the developer.
or $news
- dealer's changelog and/or news.