DigimonTCGBot Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
!help |
- |
!card |
- |
!for |
- |
Command | Description |
/alt |
Search for alternate arts |
/banlist |
Replies with the banlist |
/borrow |
Replies with an explanation of memory borrowing |
/breeding |
Replies with an explanation of the breeding area |
/cake |
Replies with the DCG TTS mod by Cake |
/card |
Search for cards |
/collection |
Replies with the collector's spreadsheet |
/disclaimer |
Replies with the TCGBot's legal disclaimers |
/faq |
Replies with FAQ links |
/fusion |
Search for cards from the Fusion TCG |
/info |
Search for cards with more information |
/infoalt |
Search for alternate arts with more information |
/keyword |
Search for keyword definitions |
/meme |
When Played vs. When Digivolved |
/misc |
Search for pre-release cards, tokens, or panoramas |
/patreon |
Replies with the TCGBots patreon |
/release |
Replies with release schedule |
/rulebook |
Replies with rulebook links |
/security |
Replies with an explanation of Security Digimon |
/starter |
Search for starter deck lists |
/testing |
Testing |
14,900,000 Servers
11,200,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,850,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers