DJ Parrot Commands
Currently we have 0 bot commands and 27 slash commands for DJ Parrot Discord bot.
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/clear |
Clears the queue |
/filter add |
Adds a music filter |
/filter list |
Gets the filters list |
/filter remove |
Removes a music filter |
/help |
Gets the list of all available commands |
/infinity |
Toggles infinity mode |
/infos |
Gets informations about the bot |
/invite |
Invites the bot in your server |
/jump |
Jumps to the specified song in the queue |
/loop |
Changes the looping mode |
/now playing |
Displays the current playing song |
/pause |
Pauses the music |
/play |
Plays music |
/queue |
Displays the server queue |
/remove |
Removes the specified song from the queue |
/resume |
Resumes the music |
/saved queues create |
Saves the current queue |
/saved queues delete |
Deletes a queue |
/saved queues list |
Sends the list of all saved queues (sorted by likes) |
/saved queues load |
Loads a queue |
/seek |
Seeks the playing song to the specified timestamp |
/shuffle |
Shuffles the queue |
/skip |
Skips to the next song |
/stop |
Stops the music |
/toggledjmod |
Toggles DJ mod |
/tts |
Makes the bot speak |
/volume |
Change or display the volume |
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