Command | Description |
/247 | Stays in the voice channel even if no one is in it. |
/4k | Look at NSFW images. |
/about | Information about me. |
/advice | Get some random advice |
/anal | Look at NSFW images. |
/ass | Look at NSFW images. |
/avatar | Displays user's avatar. |
/back | Plays the previous song in the queue. |
/bassboost | Bassboost the song |
/blurpify | Blurpify an image. |
/boobs | Look at NSFW images. |
/captcha | Create a captcha image. |
/cat | Have a nice picture of a cat. |
/changemymind | Create a change my mind image. |
/clyde | Create a fake Clyde message. |
/dashboard | Sends a link to your Server's dashboard. |
/dc | Disconnects the bot from the voice channel. |
/deepfry | Deepfry an image. |
/discrim | Discrim |
/dog | Have a nice picture of a dog. |
/emoji-list | Displays the server's emojis |
/fact | Receive a random fact. |
/fast-forward | Fast forwards the player by your specified amount. |
/firstmessage | Gets the first message from the channel. |
/flip | Flip a coin. |
/fortnite | Get information on a Fortnite account. |
/generate | Generate a custom image. |
/guildicon | Get the server's icon. |
/help | Sends information about all the commands that I can do. |
/hneko | Look at NSFW images. |
/image | Finds an image based on the topic. |
/instagram | Get information on an Instagram account. |
/invite | Send an invite link so people can add me to their server. |
/join | Makes the bot join your voice channel. |
/leaderboard | Displays the Servers's level leaderboard. |
/loop | Loops the song or queue. |
/lyrics | Get lyrics on a song. |
/mc | Pings a minecraft for information. |
/meme | Sends a random meme. |
/move | Moves the specified song to the specified position. |
/nightcore | Toggles nightcore mode. |
/np | Shows the current song playing. |
/pause | Pauses the music. |
/pgif | Look at NSFW images. |
/phcomment | Create a fake Pornhub comment. |
/pitch | Sets the player's pitch. If you input "reset", it will set the pitch back to default. |
/play | Play a song. |
/pokemon | Get information on a pokemon. |
/privacy | Sends a link to the privacy policy. |
/pussy | Look at NSFW images. |
/qrcode | Create a QR code. |
/queue | Displays the queue. |
/r6 | Gets statistics on a Rainbow 6 Account. |
/random | Replies with a random number. |
/rank | Shows your rank/Level. |
/reddit | Send a random image from a chosen subreddit. |
/remove | Removes a song from the queue |
/rewind | Rewinds the player by your specified amount. |
/role-info | Get information on a role. |
/screenshot | Get a screenshot of a website. |
/search | Searches for a song. |
/seek | Sets the playing track's position to the specified position. |
/server-info | Get information on the server. |
/ship | Create a ship image. |
/shorturl | Creates a shorturl on the URL you sent. |
/shuffle | Shuffles the playlist. |
/skip | Skips the current song. |
/speed | Sets the player's playback speed. |
/status | Gets the status of the bot. |
/steam | Get information on a Steam account. |
/stickbug | Create a stickbug meme. |
/support | Get support on the bot. |
/thigh | Look at NSFW images. |
/threats | Creates a threat meme. |
/twitch | Get information on a twitch account. |
/twitter | Create a fake Twitter tweet. |
/uptime | Gets the uptime of the bot. |
/urban | Get the urban dictionary of a word. |
/user-info | Get information on a user. |
/vaporwave | Toggles vaporwave mode. |
/volume | Changes the volume of the song |
/weather | Look up the weather in a certain area. |
/whowouldwin | Create a whowouldwin image. |