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Elise Bot

0 reviews | 1,630 servers
Default Prefix: FEH!
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Welcome Message Preview

As soon as you invite Elise Bot to your channel, it will send the following message:
EliseBot avatar
EliseBot BOT today at 4:20 PM

zeldawave Emoji I'm here to deliver the happiest of hellos - as well as data for heroes and skills in Fire Emblem: Heroes! So, here I am! Summon me with messages that start with FEH!.

When inviting Elise Bot to a new server, it will send you this private message:
EliseBot avatar
EliseBot BOT today at 4:20 PM

Unit/Character Data
data unit - shows both stats and skills (also unit)
stats unit - shows only the stats
bigstats unit - shows ths stats in a larger format (also macrostats)
skills unit - shows only the skills (also fodder)

aliases unit - show all aliases for the unit (also checkaliases or seealiases)
serveraliases unit - show server-specific aliases for the unit

study unit - for a study of the unit at multiple rarities and merges
effHP unit - for a study of the unit's bulkiness (also bulk)
healstudy unit - to see what how much each healing staff does (also studyheal)
procstudy unit - to see what how much each damaging Special does (also studyproc)
phasestudy unit - to see what the actual stats the unit has during combat (also studyphase)
pairup unit - to see the stats the unit gives during pair-up (also pair)
~~The above commands are collectively referred to as "the study suite"~~

banners unit - for a list of banners the unit has been a focus unit on
art unit art type - for the character's art
learnable unit - for a list of all learnable skills (also inheritable)

games character - for a list of games the character is in
alts character - for a list of all units this character has
path unit - for a list of all Divine Code paths the unit can be found in (also divine)

Skill Data
skill skill name - shows data on a specific skill
AoE type - to show the range of all AoE skills (also area)

Global Command Prefixes: FEH! FEH? F? E? H?
You can also use FEH!help CommandName to learn more on a particular command.
Elise Bot help

Bot Status

Elise Bot's current status is online
Last checked (2022-09-01 17:30:04 UTC)

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