Friday Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 31 slash commands for Friday Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/ban |
Ban a member from the server |
/chatchannel |
Set the current text channel so that I will always try to respond |
/coinflip |
Flip a coin |
/dice |
D&D dice rolling |
/donate |
Get the Patreon link for Friday |
/gametime |
Ping a role that's attached to a game and see who wants to play |
/info |
Displays some information about myself :) |
/invite |
Get the invite link to add me to your server |
/issue |
If you have an issue or noticed a bug with Friday, this will send a message to the developer. |
/kick |
Kick a member from the server |
/lock |
Sets your voice channels user limit to the current number of occupants |
/meme |
Meme time |
/minesweeper |
Minesweeper |
/move |
Move users from one voice channel to another |
/mute |
Mute a member from text channels |
/pause |
Pause the current track |
/ping |
Ping! |
/play |
Play some epic music |
/poll |
Make a poll |
/queue |
Shows the current queue of music |
/redditextract |
Extracts the file from the reddit post |
/resume |
Resume the current track |
/rockpaperscissors |
No Description. |
/rolecall |
Moves everyone with a specific role to a voicechannel. |
/serverinfo |
Info about a server |
/skip |
Skips the current song |
/souptime |
Soup! |
/stop |
Stops the music |
/support |
Support server link |
/unmute |
Unmute a member from text channels |
/userinfo |
Some information on the mentioned user |
14,900,000 Servers
11,200,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,850,000 Servers
9,040,000 Servers