, !ggr
, !gg
, gg!
, ggr!
, ggradio!
`!ggradio set [channel id]`
Sets the radio channel for the server, or shows the current channel been set.
User: Server administartors
`!ggradio unset`
Unsets the radio channel for the server.
User: Server administartors
`!ggradio play`
Shows current radio channel on the server.
User: All server members
Aliases: channel, currentchannel, current channel
`!ggradio nowplaying`
Shows now playing song and presenter info.
User: All server members
Aliases: now playing, np, now live, nowlive, live, song, title, artist, song title, song artist, current, onair, on air, dj, presenter
`!ggradio list <on/off>`
If you have set the radio channel, by enabling this your server will show up on server list.
User: Server administartors
Aliases: list on, list enable, list yes, list + Also for negetive forms
`!ggradio help`
Sends this command list.
User: All server members
Aliases: h, commands, command, support, info, invite
`!ggradio ping`