Ghost-chan icon

Ghost-chan icon

Ghost-chan Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 6 bot commands and 0 slash commands for Ghost-chan Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Ghost-chan when the help command is sent to a channel:
Ghost-chan avatar
Ghost-chan BOT today at 4:20 PM

Type =w=myprefix for this server's prefix.
Type =w=setprefix to change the prefix for this server.

ℹ️ Info

[roleinfo]( "=w=roleinfo [role mention]

Gets information of said role.") [userinfo]( "=w=userinfo [mention]

Gets information of said user.") [serverinfo]( "=w=serverinfo

Gets information of this server.") [av]( "=w=av [mention]

Gets the avatar information of the said user.")

🛠️ Settings

[sendset]( "=w=sendset [#channel]

Sets the announcement channel in the server where messages used from send command will go to. Leave channel argument empty to remove. Requires Administrator Permission.") [ghoststatus]( "=w=ghoststatus

Checks if Ghost Ping Alert is on for the channel.") [ghostoff]( "=w=ghostoff

Disables Ghost Ping Alert on the chat channel it was called on. Manage Message Permission Required.") [ghoston]( "=w=ghoston

Enables Ghost Ping Alert on the chat channel if it was disabled before. Manage Message Permission Required.")

hug Emoji Emotes

[hug]( "=w=hug [mention]

Hugs someone in the server.") [kiss]( "=w=kiss [mention]

Kisses someone in the server.") [slap]( "=w=slap [mention]

Slaps someone in the server.") [poke]( "=w=poke [mention]

Pokes someone in the server.") [pat]( "=w=pat [mention]

Pats someone in the server.") [bite]( "=w=bite [mention]

Bites someone in the server.") [lick]( "=w=lick [mention]

Licks someone in the server.")

📝 Moderation

[clear]( "=w=clear [amount] [user(optional)]

Prunes message in a channel. Requires Manage Messages Permission.") [ban]( "=w=ban [user] [reason (optional)]

Bans someone from the server. Requires Ban Members Permission.") [kick]( "=w=kick [user]

Kicks someone from the server. Requires Kick Permission.") [send]( "=w=send [message]

Sends an announcement message to the channel set by sendset. Has a built-in cooldown of 30 seconds.")

🎲 Fun

[vote]( "=w=vote

Vote for Ghost-chan!") [google]( "=w=google [word]

Google Search the top 10 result of the said word.") [upload]( "=w=upload [Name of Emoji] [Image URL]

Uploads an emoji to your Discord Server. Manage Emoji Permission Required.")

React for more category help! :: My Server's prefix currently is =w=
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Ghost-chan by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
=w=about -
=w=ghostoff -
=w=ghoston -
=w=ghoststatus -
=w=myprefix -
=w=setprefix -
Command Description

More Information on Ghost-chan

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