GhostyBot Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 162 slash commands for Ghosty Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/admin add-role |
Add a role to a user |
/admin announce |
Announce something with a cool embed |
/admin ban |
Ban a user from the current guild |
/admin create-role |
Create a new role |
/admin delete |
Delete up to 100 messages within 14 days |
/admin kick |
Kick a user from the current guild |
/admin lock-channel |
Lock the current channel |
/admin mute |
Mute/tempmute a user |
/admin nuke |
Nuke the current channel. Note: The channel will instantly be deleted and re-created. |
/admin remove-role |
Remove a role to a user |
/admin say |
Let the bot say something |
/admin steal-emoji |
Add an emoji from a different guild to this guild |
/admin sticky remove |
Remove the sticky message for the current channel |
/admin sticky set |
Set a new sticky message for the current channel |
/admin temp-role |
Give someone a role for a period of time |
/admin unban |
Unban a member from the current guild |
/admin unlock-channel |
Unlock the current channel |
/admin unmute |
Unmute a user |
/admin voice deafen |
Deafen a user that is in a voice channel |
/admin voice kick |
Kick a user that is in a voice channel |
/admin voice mute |
Mute a user that is in a voice channel |
/admin voice undeafen |
Undeafen a user that is in a voice channel |
/admin voice unmute |
Unmute a user that is in a voice channel |
/admin warn |
Warn a user |
/admin warnings remove |
Remove a warning from a user |
/admin warnings view |
View warnings of a user |
/bot-owner blacklist add |
Blacklist a user from the bot |
/bot-owner blacklist remove |
Remove a user from the blacklist |
/bot-owner eval |
Execute a piece of code |
/bot-owner leave-guild |
Leave a guild by id |
/bot-owner sticky remove |
Remove the sticky message for the current channel |
/bot-owner sticky set |
Set a new sticky message for the current channel |
/bot-owner voice deafen |
Deafen a user that is in a voice channel |
/bot-owner voice kick |
Kick a user that is in a voice channel |
/bot-owner voice mute |
Mute a user that is in a voice channel |
/bot-owner voice undeafen |
Undeafen a user that is in a voice channel |
/bot-owner voice unmute |
Unmute a user that is in a voice channel |
/bot-owner warnings remove |
Remove a warning from a user |
/bot-owner warnings view |
View warnings of a user |
/docs |
Find something on the discord.js docs |
/economy add-money |
Add money to a user |
/economy balance |
See the balance of a user |
/economy buy |
Buy something from the store |
/economy daily |
Claim your daily |
/economy deposit |
Deposit money to your bank |
/economy dice |
Roll a dice and win 200 coins |
/economy inventory |
See the inventory of a user |
/economy money-leaderboard |
See the money leaderboard |
/economy pay |
Give money to a user |
/economy profile |
See the profile of a user |
/economy remove-money |
Remove money to a user |
/economy rob |
Rob up to 1000 coins from somebody |
/economy slots |
Play the slots machine |
/economy store |
See items in the store |
/economy weekly |
Claim your weekly |
/economy withdraw |
Withdraw money to your bank |
/economy work |
Work! |
/fun 8ball |
8Ball |
/fun advice |
Gives you advice |
/fun ascii |
Transform text to ascii |
/fun bet |
Bet on somebody |
/fun block |
Transform text to block text |
/fun compliment |
Get a compliment |
/fun dad-joke |
Returns a dad joke |
/fun flip-coin |
Flip a coin |
/fun happiness |
Get a happiness score returned |
/fun iq |
Get an IQ score returned |
/fun lmgtfy |
Let me google that for ya? |
/fun meme |
Returns a funny meme |
/fun morse |
Transform text to morse code |
/fun quote |
Returns a random quote |
/fun random-color |
Returns a random color |
/fun random-joke |
Returns a random joke |
/fun random-number |
Returns a random number |
/fun rock-paper-scissors |
Rock Paper Scissors |
/fun would-you-rather |
Would you rather.. |
/giveaway end |
End a giveaway |
/giveaway reroll |
Re-roll a giveaway |
/giveaway start |
Start a new giveaway |
/help |
Return more information about a command |
/image amazing-earth |
Amazing images of light and landscape |
/image change-my-mind |
Change my mind.. |
/image clyde |
Let clyde say something |
/image foodporn |
Shows Food images |
/image giphy |
Return a giphy image |
/image imgfy |
text to image converter |
/image invert |
Invert an avatar |
/image magik |
Just Magik. |
/image pikachu |
Returns an image of a pikachu |
/image supreme |
Display custom text as the Supreme logo |
/image threshold |
threshold an avatar |
/image trash |
Put someone in the trash |
/image tweet |
Returns an image with your tweet |
/image yt-comment |
Returns an image with your YouTube comment |
/info bot |
Get information about GhostyBot |
/info channel |
Get information about a channel |
/info country |
Get information about a country |
/info covid |
Get COVID-19 information |
/info emoji |
Get information about an emoji |
/info github |
Get information about a GitHub user |
/info guild |
Get information about the current guild |
/info imdb |
Get information about a series or a movie |
/info invite |
Get information about an invite code |
/info ip |
Get information about an IP address |
/info minecraft |
Get info about a minecraft server |
/info npm |
Search packages on npm by their name |
/info playstore |
Show information about an app on the PlayStore |
/info pokemon |
Returns a pokémon information |
/info role |
Get information about a role in the current guild |
/info spotify |
Find a track/artist/album via the Spotify API |
/info user |
Get information about a user |
/info weather |
Get information about a country |
/levels give-xp |
Give a user xp |
/levels leaderboard |
Shows top 10 users with the highest amount of XP |
/levels rank |
Get the rank of a user or yourself |
/levels remove-xp |
Remove xp from a user |
/levels xp |
Get the xp of a user or yourself |
/mdn |
Find something on the MDN Web Docs. |
/music clear-queue |
Clear the current music queue |
/music filter |
Set or remove a filter for the current queue |
/music loop |
Loop a song that is playing |
/music lyrics |
Get lyrics for a song |
/music now-playing |
Shows information about the current playing song |
/music pause |
Pause the song that is playing |
/music play |
Play a song |
/music queue |
Show top 20 songs in the queue |
/music remove |
Remove a song from the queue |
/music resume |
Resume the queue |
/music seek |
Seek through a song |
/music shuffle |
Shuffle the current queue |
/music skip |
Skip the song that is playing |
/music stop |
Stop the current queue |
/music volume |
Set the volume for the current queue |
/ping |
Returns the bot's ping |
/reminders create |
Create a new reminder |
/reminders delete |
Delete one of your reminders |
/reminders edit |
Edit one of your reminders |
/reminders view |
View all your reminders |
/shutdown |
Shutdown the bot |
/tickets close |
Close your ticket |
/tickets create |
Open a new ticket |
/util afk |
Set yourself to afk/not-afk |
/util avatar |
View the avatar of a user |
/util bmi |
Calculate your body mass index |
/util bot-invite |
Generate a bot invite URL for GhostyBot |
/util bug-report |
Report a bug to the bot developer |
/util calculate |
Calculate something |
/util ctgs |
Create a shortened URL ( |
/util define |
Define something |
/util emojis |
View all emojis in this guild |
/util enlarge |
Enlarge an emoji |
/util feedback |
Send feedback to the bot developer |
/util pastebin |
Create a paste ( |
/util poll |
Create a poll in the current channel |
/util roles |
View all roles in this guild |
/util server-icon |
View the icon of the current guild |
/util suggest |
Suggest something for this guild |
/util translate |
Translate something |
/util uptime |
View the uptime of the bot |
/util web |
View a screenshot of a website |
/util wiki |
Search something up on Wikipedia |
/verify |
Verify yourself to indicate you're not a bot and to get guild access. |
14,900,000 Servers
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9,980,000 Servers
9,010,000 Servers