Heavan Commands
command is sent to a channel:
Command | Description |
!!aktivite |
- |
!!yardım |
- |
!!güvenlik |
- |
!!müzik |
- |
!!eğlence |
- |
Command | Description |
/bassboost |
Enables bass boosting audio effect |
/clear |
Clears the server queue |
/config dj |
Check the DJ role |
/config prefix |
Check the bot's prefix |
/disconnect |
Stop the music and leave the voice channel |
/grab |
Saves the current song to your Direct Messages |
/help |
Information about the bot |
/invite |
To invite me to your server |
/loop |
Loop the current song |
/loopqueue |
Loop the whole queue |
/lyrics |
Shows the lyrics of the song searched |
/nowplaying |
See what song is currently playing |
/pause |
Pauses the music |
/play |
Play your favorite songs |
/queue |
Shows all currently enqueued songs |
/remove |
Remove a song from the queue |
/resume |
Resumes the music |
/search |
Shows a result of songs based on the search query |
/shuffle |
Shuffles the queue |
/skip |
Skip the current song |
/skipto |
Skip to a song in the queue |
/stats |
Get information about the bot |
15,100,000 Servers
11,300,000 Servers
10,000,000 Servers
9,890,000 Servers
9,070,000 Servers