Helio icon

Helio icon

Helio Commands

Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 31 slash commands for Helio Discord bot.

Help Command Preview

This message is shown by Helio when the help command is sent to a channel:
Helio avatar
Helio BOT today at 4:20 PM

🙈 Pssst. Take a look at your DMs.

Helio will send you the following private message when the help command is triggered:
Helio avatar
Helio BOT today at 4:20 PM

It's me, Helio! 👋 Let's see what I can do for you 👌

You need support? Join our Discord
Invite the bot to your own server

Help us out by donating on Patreon

Note: For detailed command help use h-help <command>. A list of all commands with description and there permission nodes can be found on our website graphite-official.com


h-backup cancel
h-backup clone
h-backup create
h-backup delete
h-backup info
h-backup interval
h-backup list
h-backup rename
h-backup restore
h-backup template


h-locale delete
h-locale download
h-locale list
h-locale set
h-locale upload









Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Helio by visiting their support server or their website:
Command Description
Command Description
/about Shows some information about me
/backup cancel Cancel the current restoring/cloning of a backup
/backup create Create a backup
/backup delete Delete the backup with the given name
/backup info View info about a backup
/backup interval Sets the interval for automatic backups (in days)
/backup list Shows a list of created backups
/backup rename Rename a backup
/backup template create Create a global template backup
/backup template delete Delete your global template backup
/backup template load Load a global template backup
/backup template search Search for a template
/donators Shows a list of our donators
/help It's only a help message. Why would you need help for that? You are weird!
/invite Invite me to every server you own (and your friend's servers too)
/keys Look at all your fancy keys :key:
/locale delete Delete a custom locale
/locale download Download a locale and make it your own
/locale list Lists all available locales
/locale set Set the locale for your server
/permission add So the admins can do what they have to do
/permission check Check for a specified permission
/permission list Look at someone's permissions
/permission remove So the admins can't do what they have to do
/prefix Change the prefix (must be a one word string without spaces)
/premium addkey Claim a currently unowned key
/premium level Shows the premium level of your server
/premium redeem Ooh, shiny! :key: :star2:
/purge Delete all channels/categories or roles
/upvote Be a nice user and upvote the bot
/whatareyoudoing Shows some information about current processes and some other useful information

More Information on Helio

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