Welcome Message Preview

When inviting Hilda to a new server, it will send you this private message:
Hilda avatar
Hilda BOT today at 4:20 PM

Admin Commands:

!conf → Define per-guild settings.

General Commands:

!info → Provides some information about this bot.
!ping → Runs a connection test to Discord.
!stats → Provides some details about the bot and stats.
!userconf → Define per-user settings.
!help → Display help for a command.
!invite → Displays the invite link of the bot, to invite it to your guild.

Discord Bot List Commands:

!vote → Vote for Hilda on top.gg/Discord Bot List

Friend Codes Commands:

!fc → Gives your friend code or another user's friend code
!setfc → Sets your friend code

Fun Commands:

!8ball → Ask the eightball a question, get a random response.
!coinflip → Flip a coin
!dice → Roll a 6-sided die
!fortune → Replies with a random fortune
!quote → Quote a message using a message ID

Info Commands:

!about → Replies with information about the bot
!emoji → Displays the server's emoji

Memes Commands:

!ahselk → Sends with AhSelk image
!ahshit → Sends with AhShit image
!dab → Dab on them haters
!doesmad → Sends the DoesMad image
!eirika → Sends the HDNotLikeEirika image
!ferdinand → Plays the "I am Ferdinand von Aegir" voice clip
!flayn → Sends a parody of Edge of Dawn, Flayn style
!hilda → Chants HIL-DA HIL-DA and plays the voice clip
!hoesmad → Sends the Sakurai HoesMad image
!imbaby → Sends the im baby image
!joesmad → Sends the JoesMad image
!marianne → References the uno meme
!nolewds → Replies with the no lewds image
!readme → Sends Moonling's readme image
!reply → Replies with a message.
!sothis → Sends the So This Wooper meme
!sweaty → Replies with "Ugh, I'm all sweaty!"
!uno → Replies with "Everyone has uno"
!why → Replies with the IS Why gif
!work → Replies with "You're making me work!"

New Horizons Commands:

Bot Status

Hilda's current status is online
Last checked (2024-12-26 08:20:04 UTC)
The bot was offline (2024-09-30 13:30:04 UTC).

Usage Statistics


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