HODL. icon

HODL. icon


0 reviews | 12,800 servers
Default Prefix: .
Command Description
.Bot -
.help -
.alert -
... -
External Links

Welcome Message Preview

When inviting HODL. to a new server, it will send you this private message:
HODL. avatar
HODL. BOT today at 4:20 PM

To run a command in My Server, use .command or @HODL.#5239 command. For example, .prefix or @HODL.#5239 prefix.
To run a command in this DM, simply use command with no prefix.

Use help <command> to view detailed information about a specific command.
Use help all to view a list of all commands, not just available ones.

Available commands in My Server

Crypto Related Commands
chart: Relpies with an image of a chart based on your input.
coininfo: Get's information about a specified Coin or Token!
exchanges: Relpies with a list of exchanges compatable with the bot.
fg: Relpies with an image of today's "Fear & Greed Index" by alternative.me
price: Relpies with the current price of a pair on a specified exchange.
qp: Get's current global average price of a coin/token in $usd
signals: Take the hassle out of trading with our Trade Signals!!
trending: Get's current top trending Coins/Tokens right now.

Crypto Price Alerts
alert: Sets a Price alert for any pair available on the exchanges we use.
myalerts: Fetches all your alerts currently set in this server.
stopalert: Will delete one of your set price alerts by it's ID.

Get Latest Crypto News and Set a Feed Channel
newsfeed: Sets a channel to get daily top crypto/blockchain related news stories automatically! Just run the command in the Channel you want to set.
news: Gets today's top crypto/blockchain related news stories!
stopnews: Stops the newfeed from running in your server.

Get ShitCoin Rich!
addbal: Let's and admin add shitcoins to a user's balance.
bal: Shows the Shitcoin balance of you or a person you tag.
pay: Dump your bags on someone!.

Miscellaneous Commands
botinfo: Displays bot information
donate: Shows information on how to donate to the bot developer.
invite: Shows information on how to invite this bot to a server.

Bot Status

HODL.'s current status is online
Last checked (2024-12-26 02:15:04 UTC)

Usage Statistics


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