Homie Commands
Currently we have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 92 slash commands for Homie Discord bot.
command is sent to a channel:
command is triggered:
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/8ball |
Wisdom |
/advice |
Don't be afraid to ask for advice! |
/automod clearviolations by-user |
Clears Violations of specified user (or global if User ID = 0 or unspecified) optionally filtered... |
/automod clearviolations by-user-id |
Clears Violations of specified user (or global if User ID = 0 or unspecified) optionally filtered... |
/automod deleteviolation |
Deletes a Violation with the specified ID. ID is the first number of each Violation in the ListVi... |
/automod listviolationscount by-user |
Lists Violations summary in entire server or of specified user optionally filtered by max violati... |
/automod listviolationscount by-user-id |
Lists Violations summary in entire server or of specified user optionally filtered by max violati... |
/automod logs |
Shows the log of the last triggered automod rules, optionally filtering by user |
/automod rulesets |
Lists all rulesets and their status |
/automod toggle |
Toggles a ruleset on/off |
/ban by-user |
Bans a member, specify a duration with -d and specify number of days of messages to delete with -... |
/ban by-user-id |
Bans a member, specify a duration with -d and specify number of days of messages to delete with -... |
/cah create |
Creates a Cards Against Humanity game in this channel, add packs after commands, or * for all pac... |
/cah end |
Ends a Cards Against Humanity game that is ongoing in this channel. |
/cah kick by-user |
Kicks a player from the ongoing Cards Against Humanity game in this channel. |
/cah kick by-user-id |
Kicks a player from the ongoing Cards Against Humanity game in this channel. |
/cah packs |
Lists all available packs. |
/calc |
Calculator 2+2=5 |
/catfact |
Cat Facts |
/clean |
Delete the last number of messages from chat, optionally filtering by user, max age and regex or ... |
/clearwarnings by-user |
Clears the warnings of a user |
/clearwarnings by-user-id |
Clears the warnings of a user |
/creminders |
Lists reminders in channel, only users with 'manage server' permissions can use this. |
/customcommands |
Shows a custom command specified by id or trigger, or lists them all |
/delreminder |
Deletes a reminder. You can delete reminders from other users provided you are running this comma... |
/delrep by-user |
Deletes someone from the reputation list completely, this cannot be undone. |
/delrep by-user-id |
Deletes someone from the reputation list completely, this cannot be undone. |
/delwarning |
Deletes a warning, id is the first number of each warning from the warnings command |
/dogfact |
Dog Facts |
/editwarning |
Edit a warning, id is the first number of each warning from the warnings command |
/events create |
Creates an event, You will be led through an interactive setup |
/events delete |
Deletes an event, specify the event ID of the event you wanna delete |
/events edit |
Edits an event |
/events list |
Lists all events in this server |
/events stopsetup |
Force cancels the current setup session in this channel |
/giverep |
Gives rep to someone |
/giverole by-user |
Gives a role to the specified member, with optional expiry |
/giverole by-user-id |
Gives a role to the specified member, with optional expiry |
/kick by-user |
Kicks a member |
/kick by-user-id |
Kicks a member |
/logs |
Creates a log of the last messages in the current channel. |
/mute by-user |
Mutes a member |
/mute by-user-id |
Mutes a member |
/reason |
Add/Edit a modlog reason |
/reminders |
Lists your active reminders |
/remindme |
Schedules a reminder, example: 'remindme 1h30min are you alive still?' |
/removerole by-user |
Removes the specified role from the target |
/removerole by-user-id |
Removes the specified role from the target |
/rep |
Shows yours or the specified users current rep and rank |
/replog by-user |
Shows the rep log for the specified user. |
/replog by-user-id |
Shows the rep log for the specified user. |
/report by-user |
Reports a member to the server's staff |
/report by-user-id |
Reports a member to the server's staff |
/role |
Toggle a role on yourself or list all available roles, they have to be set up in the control pane... |
/rolemenu complete |
Marks the menu as done. |
/rolemenu create |
Set up a role menu. |
/rolemenu editoption |
Allows you to reassign the emoji of an option, tip: use ResetReactions afterwards. |
/rolemenu remove |
Removes a rolemenu from a message. |
/rolemenu resetreactions |
Removes all reactions on the specified menu message and re-adds them. |
/rolemenu update |
Updates a rolemenu, toggling the provided flags and adding missing options, aswell as updating th... |
/roll |
Roll dices, specify nothing for 6 sides, specify a number for max sides, or rpg dice syntax. |
/sentiment |
Does sentiment analysis on a message or your last 5 messages longer than 3 words |
/setrep by-user |
Sets someones rep, this is an admin command and bypasses cooldowns and other restrictions. |
/setrep by-user-id |
Sets someones rep, this is an admin command and bypasses cooldowns and other restrictions. |
/simpleembed |
A more simpler version of CustomEmbed, controlled completely using switches. |
/soundboard |
Play, or list soundboard sounds |
/soundboardreset |
Reset Soundboard Player |
/takerep |
Takes away rep from someone |
/throw |
Throwing things is cool. |
/tickets adduser |
Adds a user to the ticket in this channel |
/tickets adminsonly |
Toggle admins only mode for this ticket |
/tickets close |
Closes the ticket |
/tickets open |
Opens a new ticket |
/tickets removeuser |
Removes a user from the ticket |
/tickets rename |
Renames the ticket |
/topic |
Generates a conversation topic to help chat get moving. |
/toprep |
Shows rep leaderboard on the server |
/topwarnings |
Shows ranked list of warnings on the server |
/unban by-user |
Unbans a user. Reason requirement is same as ban command setting. |
/unban by-user-id |
Unbans a user. Reason requirement is same as ban command setting. |
/unmute by-user |
Unmutes a member |
/unmute by-user-id |
Unmutes a member |
/voice create |
Creates a new channel |
/voice delete |
Deletes/removes your created channel |
/voice limit |
Set an userlimit to your created voicechannel |
/warn by-user |
Warns a user, warnings are saved using the bot. Use -warnings to view them. |
/warn by-user-id |
Warns a user, warnings are saved using the bot. Use -warnings to view them. |
/warnings by-user |
Lists warning of a user. |
/warnings by-user-id |
Lists warning of a user. |
/weather |
Shows the weather somewhere |
/whois |
Shows information about a user |
/xkcd |
An xkcd comic, by default returns random comic strip |
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