Hourai Commands
Currently we have 0 bot commands and 22 slash commands for Hourai Discord bot.
Command | Description |
Command | Description |
/avatar |
Gets the avatar of the provided user |
/ban |
Bans a user from the server. Requires Ban Members. |
/choose |
Randomly chooses between several different choices |
/deafen |
Server deafens from the server. Requires Deafen Members. |
/kick |
Kicks a user from the server. Requires Kick Members. |
/move |
Moves all of the users in a voice channel to another. Requires Move Members. |
/mute |
Server mutes a user from the server. Requires Mute Members. |
/pause |
Pauses the currently playing song. Only usable by DJs. |
/pingmod |
Pings one random online moderator to pay attention to the current channel. |
/play |
Adds a song or playlist in a voice channel. |
/prune |
Bulk deletes messages up to 14 days old. Requires Manage Messages. |
/remindme |
Schedules a reminder up to one year in the future. Sent via DM. |
/remove |
Removes a song from the music queue. |
/role add |
Adds a role to one or more users. |
/role remove |
Removes a role to one or more users. |
/skip |
Votes to skip the currently playing song. |
/stop |
Stops the currently playing song and clears the queue. Only usable by DJs. |
/verification propagate |
Distributes the verification role to all users currently on the server. |
/verification purge |
Kicks all users that have not been verified. Requires Kick Members. |
/verification setup |
Sets up verification on the current server. |
/verification verify |
Required: the user that is being inspected. |
/whois |
Provides detailed information about a user. |
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