This message is shown by Idle Baker when the help command is sent to a channel:
Idle Baker BOTtoday at 4:20 PM
Help With Idle Baker | ,help <command> for details
,bake - Used to bake random stuff depending on the oven! ,balance - Amount of cash you have! | ,balance ,inventory - Shows what all stuff you have... ,stats - Shows your statistics on Idle Baker... ,buy - Buy stuff from the shop... ,sell - Sell Items you bake for cash! ,autosell - Toggles your auto-sell setting on annd off! ,switchoven - Switch between 2 ovens ,switchcolor - Switch between 2 colors ,shop - It's a shop. Pretty Obvious. ,colors - Shows all embed colors and how to buy them! ,setrgb - Gives you an option to look exactly what your embed color looks like! ,rgboff - Turns off custom rgb if you want to use other colors! ,gift - Gifts bakeable items to users ,send - Send money to other users! ,prestige - Shows Prestige Commands ,use - Used to use stuff to be used...(Confused?) ,bet - Try to get a better roll than the bot for sweet rewards. ,leaderboard - Shows a whole lot of leaderboards... ,daily - Gives you a daily reward and bonus if there is a streak
,help others - Views few other commands for the bot...
Asked By || 01:32 : 25/08/2021
Additional Links
You can always get more help on the command list of Idle Baker by visiting their support server or their website: